Profit Over The Proper Care 2022 Best

This paper explores whether its Ethical For Healthcare Within The U.s. To Prioritize Profit Over The Proper Care of citizens. Overview – The annotated bibliography will list sources for your research project, presented with bibliographical details and short annotation paragraphs.

Profit Over The Proper Care

Is It Ethical For Healthcare Within The U.s. To Prioritize Profit Over The Proper Care of citizens? Annotated Bibliography Instructions Overview – The annotated bibliography will list sources for your research project, presented with bibliographical details and short annotation paragraphs. – If you have not done so, please read the Research Paper Instructions on Canvas before completing this assignment. Sources: Include the following sources in your annotated bibliography: – At least 6 peer-reviewed sources – At least 4 other reputable outside sources

Profit Over The Proper Care

The research paper will also cite a professional code of ethics and two course readings, but you do not need to include those in your annotated bibliography. Finding Peer-Reviewed Sources – Peer-reviewed sources include scholarly journal articles or books published by university presses (Harvard University Press, State University of New York Press, etc.). – The Lynn library books page (including an ebooks page) and scholarly articles page can help you find these sources. – The best sources for this project will be ones that give a good overview of your topic without too much technical terminology.

Profit Over The Proper Care

For example, you may find a book chapter that summarizes background facts about your topic. For journal articles, the best are often survey articles that summarize the results from several previous studies. Finding Other Reputable Sources – Other reputable outside sources include news reports, government data, or interviews or videos from recognized experts. These kinds of sources can be especially helpful if your topic has been in the news recently and there are late-breaking developments not discussed in your peer-reviewed sources. – Be sure to avoid authors that are biased or do not have expertise on the topic.

Profit Over The Proper Care

Many of the items linked on the Opposing Viewpoints in Context site would work well as reputable outside sources. Bibliography Format – Give the full bibliographic information for each source using APA style, as you would on an APA References page (the library APA page can help for this). – Also, remember to put entries in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. Annotation Paragraphs – Under each entry, include an annotation paragraph of 150-200 words, using correct spelling, grammar, and writing style.

Profit Over The Proper Care

Use this paragraph to summarize the source’s main ideas and evaluate its usefulness and relevance to your research (for example, what themes or data from the source you may want to incorporate into your paper). – Some other things you discuss, when relevant, are the authority or background of the author, the intended audience, and how the source fits with your other sources. Again, here are the three parts: 1. a summary of the text, 2. an evaluation of the text (it’s significance, etc.) 3. a reflection on its applicability to your research topic. With this annotated bibliography the student should also present what they determine their conclusion to the research paper to be.

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