MDGTB302 focuses on DIGITAL ECONOMY ECOSYSTEMS. Task brief & rubrics Task 1: REPORT Individual task The students are required to perform the following:


MDGTB302 DIGITAL ECONOMY ECOSYSTEMS.  Task brief & rubrics Task 1: REPORT Individual task The students are required to perform the following: 1. SELECTION OF INDIVIDUAL CASE (ENTERPRISE): The students will decide on an enterprise ecosystem that they will examine for the whole semester. 2. INDIVIDUAL REPORT: The students will select a specific topic * and will decide on a paper which builds on this topic, by making research in the academic business literature. Each student will write a report that addresses the questions concerning the selected paper and cases.


Brief synopsis of the basics of the paper: theoretical argument, major propositions/hypotheses, research methods (if empirical), main empirical results, theoretical and empirical implications of the study. (25 pts) · Student’s assessment of strengths and weaknesses of the paper (25 pts) · Definition of student’s selected topic and the relevance of this paper to student’s selected topic (25 pts) · Definition of student’s selected enterprise ecosystem case (components, frames, stakeholders and the relationship between them) and the relevance of this paper to student’s selected case (25 pts)


The topics are defined in: Senyo, P. K., Liu, K., Effah, J. (2019). Digital business ecosystem: Literature review and a framework for future research. International Journal of Information Management, 47, 52-64. Formalities: · Wordcount: Max 1500 words. · Use tables, graphs, charts to support your ideas. Use your talent to sketch the best ideas. · Cover, Table of Contents, References and Appendix are excluded from the total wordcount. · Font: Arial 12,5 pts. · Text alignment: Justified. · The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.


Breach to wordcount limits and formalities result in loss of earned points. Submission: Weight: It assesses the following learning outcomes: Outcome 1: Understand the framework and concepts of the digital economy ecosystems Outcome 2: Accessing academic knowledge about the ecosystems perspectives to build own arguments Outcome 3: Describe a specific ecosystem and define its different components, frames, stakeholders and the relationship between them.

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