Effects of social media on mental health. 2023 Best

This paper explores the effects of social media on mental health. Assessment 1: Literature Review Length: Maximum of 3000 words Choose a research area of interest, conduct a thorough search of recently published academic articles, and write a literature review encapsulating the important developments in this area of research.

Effects of social media on mental health.

Assessment 1: Literature Review Length: Maximum of 3000 words Choose a research area of interest, conduct a thorough search of recently published academic articles, and write a literature review encapsulating the important developments in this area of research. § Be intentional and specific in the area you wish to explore/investigate to conduct a focussed and refined literature search. § Include only articles in academic journals – search for them using online academic databases and the reference lists of relevant articles. § Read the articles carefully, several times if necessary, to make sure you understand each study.

Effects of social media on mental health.

A literature review typically includes: a. Introduction, which describes the context in which your topic is situated and explains its importance; b. Synthesis, which summarizes key aspects of prior studies; c. Evaluation, which analyzes and appraises prior studies in terms of their theoretical underpinnings, methodologies, results, interpretations, and conclusions; d. Justification, which identifies major themes or knowledge gaps in prior studies and provides a rationale for your intended work or guidelines for future work on the topic; and Bachelor of Applied Social Science The South African College of Applied Psychology (Pty) Ltd Applied Research Methodology Page 12 e.

Effects of social media on mental health.

Conclusion, which recaps the main findings from the literature review and explains how these findings inform policy, research, and practice or how your work will address the knowledge gaps. Related key learning outcomes: This assignment will allow students to: § Practice the key skill of searching for academic research papers on a chosen topic; § Engage in a structured way with the literature they have selected, orienting them to existing work on the topic. This lays a foundation for the literature review component of the Research Proposal assignment; § Develop their academic reading and synthesis skills; § Reflect on the realities of conducting research (i.e. the limitations imposed on research); and § Reflect on what makes “good” research.https://youtu.be/-QDjx_spkwI

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