Informative Essay Assignment 2023 Best

The purpose of the Informative Essay assignment is to choose a job or task that you know how to do and then write 3 full pages, teaching the reader how to do that job or task.

Informative Essay Assignment

The purpose of the Informative Essay assignment is to choose a job or task that you know how to do and then write 3 full pages, teaching the reader how to do that job or task. You will follow the organization techniques explained in Unit 6. Here are the details: 1. Read the Lecture Notes in Unit 6. You may also find the information in Chapter 10.5 in our text on Process Analysis helpful. The lecture notes will really be the most important to read in writing this assignment.

However, here is a link to that chapter that you may look at in addition to the lecture notes:

Informative Essay Assignment

2. Choose your topic – that is, the job or task you want to teach. As the notes explain, this should be a job or task that you already know how to do, and it should be something you can do well. You may ask your instructor for advice if you have a difficult time finding a job or task to write on. Also, think at this point about your audience (reader). Will your reader need any knowledge or experience to do this job or task? or will you write these instructions for a general reader where no experience is required to perform the job? 3. Plan your outline to organize this essay.

Unit 6 notes offer advice on this organization process.

Informative Essay Assignment

Be sure to include an introductory paragraph that has the four main points presented in the lecture notes (again, while your introduction has those main points, they don’t have to be in the order given in the lecture notes). 4. Write the essay. It will need to be at least 3 full pages long. You will use the MLA or APA formatting that you used in previous essays. (Please see Unit 1 personal narrative instructions for these formatting guidelines. Also be sure you indent the first line of every paragraph, and don’t add extra spaces between paragraphs.)

5. Be sure to include a title for your essay. 6. After writing the essay, be sure to take time to read it several times for revision and editing.

Informative Essay Assignment

It would be helpful to have at least one other person proofread it as well before submitting the assignment. Essay Guidelines: All essays regardless of MLA or APA must be double spaced, in Times New Roman, 12-point font, have 1-inch margins, no extra spaces between paragraphs, and indent the first line of every paragraph by pressing the “tab” key. This paper is to be a minimum of three pages. You can select either APA or MLA formatting style when completing this essay assignment. Please refer to the Formatting Exercise in Unit One for how to set up your assignment in either style.

Informative Essay Assignment

Remember, with APA style, you must include a title page with your assignment. The APA title page will not count towards the two required pages of content that you are expected to submit for this essay assignment. You are expected to use proper grammar and mechanics — refer to a grammar guide as needed.

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