Sudanese civil war peace process. 2023 Best

This project focuses on the second Sudanese civil war peace process. INSTRUCTIONS: S2023 Due Week 9 March 26, 2023 Turn in Draft for Peer Review of Project(05): Complete the Capstone project as much as possible, leaving room for feedback and improvement from feedback from a peer.

Sudanese civil war peace process.

INSTRUCTIONS: S2023 Due Week 9 March 26, 2023 Turn in Draft for Peer Review of Project(05): Complete the Capstone project as much as possible, leaving room for feedback and improvement from feedback from a peer. Submit the draft and the professor will assign your work to another classmate to complete a peer review. The draft will follow the paper format. Follow your outline and making changes as suggested. Use full sentences, with paraphrasing and quotes with in-text cites that match each item on the Works Cited page. The draft format is the same as for the final project: – Length: Eight to ten pages, single spaced, with a blank line between each paragraph.

Sudanese civil war peace process.

Font: 11-point standard font, Times Roman or Calibri, with 1-inch margins, and single-spaced with a blank line between each paragraph. – Footnotes or endnotes: do not use them, please. – Sources: an 8 to 10 page paper should have at least 20 references, and have several paraphrases or quotes from each source. about 25% or more of the sources should be from academic sources, but this might not be possible for current events. A solid mix of sources from various media sources think tanks, and non-government organizations, from the US and overseas makes a more well-rounded research project. Wikipedia is not a valid source.

Sudanese civil war peace process.

References: Cite sources properly using MLA · In-text citations: in MLA are short and straightforward – parenthetical in-text citations are (Author #) for page number without putting “p”; for example, (Taylor 23). Cite direct quotes or paraphrase words that are not your right after the statement in the body of your text. No year or no commas.) Use quotes where possible where the reader knows where the words from the particular source begin. Or, especially for paraphrasing, stating the source first in the sentence helps. For example, Putin stated his goals are … (“The War”).

Sudanese civil war peace process.

The period, question mark, or exclamation goes after the cite. If no author, use the title of the publication. The full title is not needed, only enough to match the full citation in the Works Cited at the end of the paper. Works Cited page is alphabetical, with hanging indents. Double check goes through the paper and matches the in-text cites to the Works Cited page. If it is not in the paper as an in-text citation it can not be on the Works Cited page. Follow the syllabus, pages 5-8 “Format for All Assignments” though “Capstone Project” and review suggested links: · MLA Format and Styling Guide:

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