Tag Archives: academic journals

PTSD on children in war. 2023 best

The Shabbat, Chickamauga, and PTSD on children in war. Paper details 1. Declare and support a thesis that presents your opinion concerning some aspect of one or more short stories 2. Use at least TWO secondary sources — articles or notes published in academic journals.

PTSD on children in war.

Paper details 1. Declare and support a thesis that presents your opinion concerning some aspect of one or more short stories 2. Use at least TWO secondary sources — articles or notes published in academic journals. Additional sources from academic/society web sites (e.g., The Poe Society) may be used as long as they are deemed reliable (NO blogs, student essays, or story summaries). 3. Reveal your proficiency of MLA documentation (via parenthetical citations and Works Cited entries). Content I am most interested in YOUR ideas about the fiction; however, these ideas may be informed or further supported by research you have conducted (secondary sources: other writers’ opinions).

PTSD on children in war.

Have faith in your own ideas and support them with your own logical reasoning and evidence from the primary source (the short story or stories you are analyzing). The use of other sources is intended to bolster your authority, NOT replace it. Quotes from the primary and secondary sources should be used sparingly and only when essential to proving a point. Refrain from using long passages. Turn-It-In will give you an originality report. None should have >10 percent borrowed words. You have to relate these two stories with children that suffered from PTSD after war traumas, and talk a little bit about PTSD. https://youtu.be/jsxpW55ysk4

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Boeing Manufacturing issues. 2022 Best

This paper explores Boeing Manufacturing issues. The 737 Max is a prime example. They swept stuff under the rug. Also, they hid a new component from the customer as a selling point of airlines not having to retrain pilots on the new aircraft.

Boeing Manufacturing issues.

Paper details: Topic: Boeing was known for quality-produced aircraft, but over the years and a merger, it seems to put quantity first. The 737 Max is a prime example. They swept stuff under the rug. Also, they hid a new component from the customer as a selling point of airlines not having to retrain pilots on the new aircraft. There have also been delivery delays of the 787 Dreamliner due to manufacturing issues. Where is the weak link causing these new problems?

Boeing Manufacturing issues.

Instructions: Considering the 10 OM decisions, your paper will review issues caused by a failure in the production/operations management process. You will compare and contrast the current research findings with the principles and concepts presented in your Heizer, et al. textbook. All reference sources should be from academic journals, professional trade publications, and respected business or industry magazines. Limit the use of books as sources. Do NOT use articles or sources from Wikipedia! Use references published within the past six years.

Boeing Manufacturing issues.

The basic rules for your research paper include: Following the current Writing Style Guide for manuscripts closely. The paper should be 10 pages at a minimum. Use one-inch margins on all sides. Left justify all narrative. Use Times New Roman font, 12-point. Indent the first line of each paragraph one-half inch. Double-space everything in the paper. Do not add extra lines or spacing between paragraphs or sections of the paper. https://youtu.be/Ivn9_4jZZ9k

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Theory of Evolution 2022 Best

For your first essay, you will explore the theory of evolution you were introduced to in Chapters 2-5 further by finding examples of evolution in the world around you.

Theory of Evolution

Paper details: For your first essay, you will explore the theory of evolution you were introduced to in Chapters 2-5 further by finding examples of evolution in the world around you. Find a recent NEWS article that addresses an example of evolution. Examples include fossil finds, virus mutations, etc. (A news article is an article from a media source like a newspaper or magazine such as the New York Times, FOX, The Washington Post, VICE, National Geographic, etc. that addresses a current event. It does not include general information websites and sources like Wikipedia, eHow, dictionaries, academic journals, online encyclopedias, etc.)

Theory of Evolution

Write a 300-word essay that answers the following questions, referring to the article and course materials, NOT random sources: What is the modern evolutionary synthesis, i.e how do anthropologists currently explain how evolution works? See Chapter 2. What types of evidence are used to support the theory? How does the article you chose exemplify the theory of evolution at work in the world today? Discuss with details and tie the findings in the article to what you learned in the module.

Theory of Evolution

Your essay should: Be a total of 300 words or more. The 300-word limit DOES NOT include the questions, names, titles, and references. It also does not include meaningless filler statements Be written in complete sentences and paragraphs. Be proofread for clarity. Use factual information from the textbook and/or appropriate articles and websites. Be original work – your submission will be checked for plagiarism. Cite all your sources – type references according to the APA Style Guide Links to an external site..

Theory of Evolution

Essays without proper citations and/or large portions copied from other sources will receive a zero. Type your essay in a WORD Document, then upload your file by clicking “Browse My Computer” for Attach File. Essays submitted to the “Comments” textbox or using an unsupported file type (see below) will receive a zero. View the grading rubric above (Points Possible). https://youtu.be/BcpB_986wyk

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Aircraft Production and Operations. 2022 Best

This paper focuses on Aircraft Production and Operations. In this course, you will study production management. As part of the course, you will analyze an aviation or aerospace industrial management issue related to production/operations management

Aircraft Production and Operations.

C130 Aircraft Production and Operations. Paper details: In this course, you will study production management. As part of the course, you will analyze an aviation or aerospace industrial management issue related to production/operations management, write a research paper, Considering the 10 OM decisions, your paper will be a review of issues that were caused by a failure in the production/operations management process. You will compare and contrast the current research findings with the principles and concepts presented in your Heizer, et al. textbook. All reference sources should be from academic journals, professional trade publications, and respected business or industry magazines.

Aircraft Production and Operations.

Limit the use of books as sources. Do NOT use articles or sources from Wikipedia! Use references published within the past six years. The basic rules for your research paper include: Follow the current Writing Style Guide for manuscripts closely. The paper should be 10 pages at a minimum. Use one-inch margins on all sides. Left justify all narrative. Use Times New Roman font, 12-point. Indent the first line of each paragraph one-half inch. Double-space everything in the paper. Do not add extra lines or spacing between paragraphs or sections of the paper. You will work on this assignment throughout the course as follows. https://youtu.be/jA2Gp48UmsE

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Sustainability for MNE in Australia. 2022 Best

Trade protectionism and Environmental sustainability for MNE in Australia. The aim of this assignment is to identify and research recent trends in Australia.  

Sustainability for MNE in Australia.

Trade protectionism and Environmental sustainability for MNE in Australia. identifying and researching recent trends in your chosen country in relation to your selected issues; critically assessing the extent to which your selected issues may impact MNEs operating in your chosen country by applying relevant concepts and theoretical frameworks from the course and independent research; and predicting possible consequences and/or suggesting appropriate responses for MNEs operating in Australia.

Sustainability for MNE in Australia.

It is expected that you will consult firstly newspapers and popular press, trade / industry / government reports and periodicals to identify trends and issues for your chosen case. You should also use academic journals as sources for your analysis. Your analysis should have at least seven academic journal references and seven non-scholarly references to inform your key ideas and provide background about the analysis (the list of references should be included in your written report). Marks will be deducted if the source of information that is used is not included in the report or the minimum reference requirements are not met. https://youtu.be/fGrDOR7lBQ4


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