Tag Archives: agreement

Contemporary Business Law 2022 Best

This paper explores contemporary business law: Applying concepts of Contract and Tort Law.  Case #1: Smith vs. Jones Mary Smith was the records custodian at ABC Security, Inc.

Contemporary Business Law

Case #1: Smith vs. Jones Mary Smith was the records custodian at ABC Security, Inc. About four times a week Gene Jones, the vice-president of operations for ABC, complimented Smith on her appearance. Onone occasion, he measured the length of her skirt to judge its compliance with the company’s dress code and then told her that she looked “really good.”

Contemporary Business Law

In addition to regularly telling Smith how attractive he found her, Jones made references to his physical fitness to indicate he was an attractive person desired by females. He repeatedly remarked to Smith that if he had a wife as beautiful as Smith, he would not permit her to work around so many men. Jones also had a security camera installed in Smith’s office in a way that permitted him to observe her as she worked. Smith reported this behavior to her immediate supervisor, who simply responded, “Boys will be boys.”

Contemporary Business Law

1. Analyze whether Jones’ actions constituted legally actionable sexual harassment of Smith. 2. Analyze what ethical obligations, regardless of whether Jones violated the law, did Smith’s supervisor have to protect her from Jones’ behavior. What is the business lesson to be learned? 3. Analyze whether Smith has any actionable tort claims, besides sexual harassment, and what they may be and against whom.

Contemporary Business Law

Case #2: Happy Produce, Inc. v. Henry Bonnie Miller hired Andy Henry to sell organic produce for her company Happy Produce, Inc. Four months later Miller, as the manager of Happy, promoted Henry to sales manager. Soon after, he signed a non-compete agreement in which he agreed “not to directly or indirectly compete with the business … for two years following termination of employment.”

Contemporary Business Law

Later, Happy Produce, Inc. encountered financial difficulties, and Henry left to go into business with another former employee to compete against Happy Produce, Inc. in the sale of produce in the same part of the state. Happy sued to enforce the non-compete agreement. Henry argues that the non-compete agreement is invalid and unenforceable because the contract lacks valid consideration.

Contemporary Business Law

Happy contends that Henry’s salary and continued employment supplied sufficient consideration. 1. Analyze whether Happy Produce, Inc. has a valid breach of contract claim against Henry. 2. Assuming that Happy Produce, Inc.’s claim against Henryis invalid for lack of consideration, analyze how the company acting through its agent, Miller, might have obtained a noncompete agreement from Henry that would have been enforceable. What is the business lesson to be learned?

Contemporary Business Law

Case #3: Great Homes Group v. Best Advertising, Inc. Great Homes Group contracted with Best Advertising to run advertisements in the Miami Herald newspaper. The contract required Great Homes to designate the size of each ad and stated that Best Advertising would print them and “bill for the exact space published.” The agreement also permitted Best to “revise, alter, or reject any advertisement for any reason, but no change in advertising copy will be made without the customer’s prior consent.”

Contemporary Business Law

After three years, Great Homes Group brought suit against Best for breach of contract, because the printed ads were 10% smaller than the copy Great had submitted. 1. Analyze whether Great Homes Group has a valid claim for breach of contract or whether Best Advertising, Inc. substantially performed. 2. Assume that Best Advertising, when it submitted the ads, was told by the Miami Herald newspaper that the documentation was too large for publication and would need to be reduced by 10% to fit the page.

Contemporary Business Law

What should Best have done at this time? Why? What is the business lesson to be learned? Case #4: Davis v. TBC David Davis and a group of friends regularly participated in the extreme sport of “lake jumping,” in which the goal is to ride one’s bike off a jump into a lake. Davis had done lake jumping 25–30 times and even maintained a webpage showing videos of himself and his friends engaging in the activity.  https://youtu.be/FmqYLM-c2s4


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Universals in Medieval Philosophy 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore the problem of universals in Medieval Philosophy. Question 1.4 The Problem of Universals in Medieval (and later) Philosophy 1. Explain, as best you can, the Problem of Universals; and then state (and critique) the main philosophical (metaphysical) theories that claim to answer questions about universals

Universals in Medieval Philosophy

Question 1.4 The Problem of Universals in Medieval (and later) Philosophy 1. Explain, as best you can, the Problem of Universals; and then state (and critique) the main philosophical (metaphysical) theories that claim to answer questions about universals. Please follow the following template. First, you should explain, as best you can, what questions theories of universals are meant to answer. According to Crumley, for example, they are (1) attribute agreement and (2) abstract reference. Explain what he means, with some short quotes from his just-published book An Introduction to Metaphysics.

Universals in Medieval Philosophy

Attribute Agreement refers to our ability – in thought and speech – to speak of an “element” or “property” (such as redness or courage) as occurring in many different places (that is, in many different individuals or particulars) at the same time. (Crumley, p. 107) It is then argued that accepting the existence of universals is the best way to explain our ability to speak of Attribute Agreement. (Ibid., p. 113) Common nouns – or any substantive word or concept – such as “horse” or “duck” seem to refer not only to all members of those classes (horses and ducks) but sometimes seem also to refer to the KINDS themselves.

Universals in Medieval Philosophy

This is known as Abstract Reference. (Crumley, p. 113) It is then argued that accepting the existence of universals is the best way to explain our ability to utilize Abstract Reference in our thought and speech. (Ibid., p. 113) Second, you should say what universals are usually said to refer to (among those who believe they exist). There are two primary categories that almost all philosophers accept as potential referents of “universals.” These two categories are (1) properties (sensory and any other kind, including relational properties to other entities) and (2) kinds (i.e. the classes of things that a particular entity (or event, process, etc.) belongs to.

Universals in Medieval Philosophy

For example, you have very many properties and also you belong to many different kinds (or classes). You have a material composition (so you have the property of corporeality), you are a life form (and thus have the property of being animate), you are an animal (no offense … just meaning “not a plant”), you are a homo sapiens, you are a person, you are a human being, you are both a moral entity (i.e. object of moral concern) and a moral agent (an entity that can be held morally responsible for its intentional actions), you are a college student, you are a college student currently studying at USD, etc., etc., etc. https://youtu.be/yStlBaGAFjg


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Drafting a simple contract. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will focus on drafting a simple contract. Background · You are the business owner. You and one of your clients have reached an agreement to enter into a contract for a service you provide.

Drafting a simple contract.

Important: what am I: Baseball camp for kids . The contract should be for : Parent wants to enroll 9 year old in the summer camp. Background · You are the business owner. You and one of your clients have reached an agreement to enter into a contract for a service you provide. · You will draft a simple contract for this client detailing this agreement between your company and the client. Important · The contract must include all the legal elements and necessary terms to ensure it is a valid contract. o Note: Your client has legal capacity and the subject is legal. · Design your own contract o Do not use any § samples or templates available on-line, in books or in our textbook.

Drafting a simple contract.

You and only you are to design, draft and format the contract. · Final contract should be 2-3 pages in length (typed) Contract Based upon the business and service you picked in the lottery, you must include in the contract: 1. Name your company (make up a name) 2. One brief introduction paragraph explaining your company (2 point) 3. Name your client. Make up a client and his or her name. (2 point) 4. Date(s) when the service you are providing for this client occurs (2 point) 5. Any elements or terms to ensure the contract is complete and valid (4 point)

Drafting a simple contract.

6. When payment and service due (2 point) 7. What if payment and/or service is late (2 point) 8. What happens in case of a dispute between the parties or breach of contract (2 point) DO NOT indicate that you will sue the client. 9. Signatures lines (2 point) 10. Format – professional looking; serious; concise (2 point) Grading Rubric -this handout As indicated in the syllabus, this project is worth 20 points. The rubric includes points for each of the numbered items listed above. https://youtu.be/WrWYvgEBurs

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Drafting a Simple Business Contract. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will focus on drafting a Simple Business Contract. Background · You are the business owner. You and one of your clients have reached an agreement to enter into a contract for a service you provide.

Drafting a Simple Business Contract.

Due Date: Tuesday, November 1 at start of class (hard copy) Background · You are the business owner. You and one of your clients have reached an agreement to enter into a contract for a service you provide. · You will draft a simple contract for this client detailing this agreement between your company and the client. Important · The contract must include all the legal elements and necessary terms to ensure it is a valid contract. o Note: Your client has legal capacity and the subject is legal.

Drafting a Simple Business Contract.

Design your own contract o Do not use any § samples or templates available on-line, in books or in our textbook. · You and only you are to design, draft and format the contract. · Final contract should be 2-3 pages in length (typed) Contract Based upon the business and service you picked in the lottery, you must include in the contract: 1. Name your company (make up a name) 2. One brief introduction paragraph explaining your company (2 point) 3. Name your client. Make up a client and his or her name. (2 point)

Drafting a Simple Business Contract.

4. Date(s) when the service you are providing for this client occurs (2 point) 5. Any elements or terms to ensure the contract is complete and valid (4 point) 6. When payment and service due (2 point) 7. What if payment and/or service is late (2 point) 8. What happens in case of a dispute between the parties or breach of contract (2 point) DO NOT indicate that you will sue the client. 9. Signatures lines (2 point) 10. Format – professional looking; serious; concise (2 point) Grading Rubric -this handout As indicated in the syllabus, this project is worth 20 points. The rubric includes points for each of the numbered items listed above. https://youtu.be/R4AQUk4bHFw

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