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Contextualizing Local Historic Architecture. 2022 Best

Final Paper Project History of Art Fall 2022 Contextualizing Local Historic Architecture. The Point: Now that you all have had some exposure to ancient and medieval art and architecture, it’s time to put your new-found knowledge and vocabulary to work

Contextualizing Local Historic Architecture.

Final Paper Project History of Art Fall 2022 Contextualizing Local Historic Architecture. DUE December 8 in class 2 ½ pages or more The Point: Now that you all have had some exposure to ancient and medieval art and architecture, it’s time to put your new-found knowledge and vocabulary to work. Earlier in the term you selected a local building which clearly had been influenced by ancient or medieval styles. You MAY organize your paper around the headings listed below. You do not have to organize it that way and you may amend the headings below to represent what you think is the best way to discuss your building.

Contextualizing Local Historic Architecture.

The project for this paper is as follows: The Facts: At the top of the page identify your building. Where is it exactly? Does it have a name? Do you know the date it was built? Does it have a patron, even if it is the city, state or federal government- identify that. Then (in complete sentences and in organized paragraphs) address the following questions if they apply: -Date: Discuss the date of the building. Is this building typical of its generation, period of time? What else was going on in that period? Does the building reference or respond to what was going on?

Does it reference a period of time before it was built in addition to its clear reference to ancient or medieval styles.

Contextualizing Local Historic Architecture.

For instance, many neoclassical buildings in the United States built in the late 19th century are referencing 18th century American architecture. If you do not know anything about it except its location, why is that? For instance, were you unable to identify a name, patron or date when it was built? Do you have any suspicions about why that is. Can you guess about any of those things? -Location: Can you tell me anything about the location or neighborhood in which the building is found?

Contextualizing Local Historic Architecture.

For instance, if the building is in an area which was developed at a certain period, like the 1880s or immediately after WWII, does your building date from that period? Does it resemble buildings around it? Does it resemble buildings in other parts of town or the region. -Function: What was the building’s function? How is it organized to serve that function? Is it being used now in a similar way? Exterior Articulation: Describe the features of the building. Use words to paint a picture of the building. Use the architectural terms we have learned. Antecedent: What is the antecedent/prototype/model for the building?

Contextualizing Local Historic Architecture.

Is there an ancient or medieval building, or buildings, from which it borrows features. Reason for the building’s survival: Is it surprising or not, that the building survives today? If not, why? Or is it completely understandable that the building survives? And why? And the BIG Question: Why did someone think that the ancient or medieval style was appropriate for the building? Paper is due in class on December 8. No excuses. It must be typed and double spaced. It must have a staple or paper clip. It must be well organized and you MUST have READ through it many times to catch errors and awkward sentences. https://youtu.be/vt7urG3upMM

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