Tag Archives: APA citation

Social Work and Research. 2023 Best

In this DB 1  we will focus on Social Work and Research. The aim of this discussion board is to give at least three reasons why research is important for the field of social work and provide examples of social work-based research.

Social Work and Research.

DB 1 Social Work and Research. Paper instructions: Give at least three reasons why research is important for the field of social work (Provide examples of social work-based research)? If your knowledge is limited, perform research and share it in this discussion forum. Must be a minimum of 250 words! Please use complete and grammatically correct sentences. Be as thorough and detailed as possible while remaining on topic (concise documentation).

Social Work and Research.

Although this is a discussion forum, it is also an academic writing assignment and will be graded as such. When in doubt, remember that your opinions should be supported with fact. Citing and referencing sources can lessen an indication of plagiarism and make your argument seem more substantive. Remember, great responses have more *Tip/Hint* Utilize APA citation and references where warranted. https://youtu.be/LIAl_RRlD3A

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