Tag Archives: APA formatting

Careers in I/O Psych. 2023 Best

The aim of this assignment is to develop a handout on careers in I/O Psych. The handout should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas/concepts read in this course while providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to I/O Psych.

Careers in I/O Psych.

Assignment #1 Instructions: Use MS Word to prepare a brief handout (2-3 pages, not including the Title and References pages) on training and career options in the field of I/O Psych. Graphs or charts may enhance your handout. Cite at least two scholarly references in APA (7th ed.) format to support the information in your handout. If you are struggling to find articles for this assignment, I included a document in Blackboard that may help you: Suggested Additional Readings (Chapter 1). The handout should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas/concepts read in this course while providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to I/O Psych. The handout should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards (7th ed.).

Careers in I/O Psych.

If you need help with APA formatting, use this link for APA Formatting and Style Guide. Please follow CSU’s Academic Integrity Policy (i.e., plagiarism). In your handout, please address the following points: Define the specializations of I/O Psychology Summarize the training required at the various levels in I/O Psychology Discuss the various career opportunities in I/O Psychology Provide information on salary in I/O Psychology List five or more professional references and resources in I/O Psychology I/O Psychology has many applications in both psychology and business. In Week 1, you will look at various career and practical applications of I/O Psych and see how research is used to support this field.

Careers in I/O Psych.

Check out the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology website (www.siop.org). This is a valuable tool for selecting a research topic and researching relevant publications. I/O Psychology requires specialized training and offers a variety of career possibilities. This week, you will read about training and career applications of I/O Psych. Become familiar with career opportunities by reading the following APA publications: Careers in Psychology, Salaries in Psychology, and 2018-19: Psychology Faculty Salaries. The ideas you gather here will help you in your Final Project. https://youtu.be/mFgaz0zgH0k

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Recruitment challenges 2022 Best

This assignment involves researching a peer-reviewed article using the university’s Trefy library regarding recruitment challenges unique to today’s organizations. Explain each challenge and what organizations are doing to resolve these challenges

Recruitment challenges

Research a peer-reviewed article using the university’s Trefy library regarding recruitment challenges unique to today’s organizations. Explain each challenge and what organizations are doing to resolve these challenges. In addition, include your experience (use the 1st person) regarding the recruitment challenges of an organization with which you are familiar. Explain the difference(s) regarding the information that you read and your personal experience. In this section, communicate the strategies that were utilized to reduce or eliminate these challenges and whether these recruitment strategies have proved to be effective.

Assignment instructions: A minimum of three references, with at least one citation for each reference in APA style format required. Your paper must be between two to three FULL pages of content (a minimum of 350 words per page) using APA formatting, to include a separate cover page, a separate reference page, running head, numbered pages, margins, etc. https://youtu.be/9TwCQVPk5Ik

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