Tag Archives: Call to action

Electronic Direct Mail 2022 Best

In this task, you will write 2 EDMs (Electronic Direct Mail). Each EDM should be 400 words in length (800 words in total) and adopt a tone tailored to the company’s audience and aligned with the campaign’s purpose.

Electronic Direct Mail

A2 Social Media Writing Word limit: 1400 words. Details of task: In this task, you will write 2 EDMs (Electronic Direct Mail). Each EDM should be 400 words in length (800 words in total) and adopt a tone tailored to the company’s audience and aligned with the campaign’s purpose. • EDM 1: The Melbourne skateboarding outlet, Hemley Skateboarding (https://hemleyskateboarding.com.au/), distributes an EDM encouraging its customers to get vaccinated. This EDM follows an announcement from the Federal Government stating that vaccines will now be available to 12+ year-olds. The message should have a public service and promotional function.

Electronic Direct Mail

EDM 2: The Australian Charity Orange Sky (https://orangesky.org.au/) sends out an EDM to its subscribers requesting donations for a new service (bed linen for homeless people). The message should use a register suitable to the organisation and demonstrate an understanding of the appeal genre. The EDMs should contain the following elements: • Email subject heading: • Subheadings (optional) • Call to action (CTA): CTAs link readers to external content or ask them to do something. You can link images, buttons, or text. Choose whichever suits your purpose. • Logo • Contact information.

Electronic Direct Mail

You are also required to write an explanatory statement (600 words) describing how the two EDMs address the intended audience and meet the criteria of effective social media writing. This statement should be written in the specialist style, and use concepts from the week 4 to 8 lectures (for example semiotics, register, rhetoric, etc.) and readings. Each concept should be supported by relevant readings. In writing the task, make sure that you focus on the following: • The prose and structure should reflect the purpose of each component of the task. • The writing should properly address the intended audience, with some creative use of language to directly evoke their interest.

Electronic Direct Mail

The quality of the writing should deploy the appropriate register and tone, while also demonstrating concision, accuracy and clarity. • The document should display technical accuracy in all aspects of writing: grammar, syntax, organisation and spelling. • The appropriate and thorough use of readings in the execution and analysis of the task. Referencing Requirements: • Use Harvard Referencing and include page numbers for both paraphrasing and direct citation. https://youtu.be/s9c6oGmcM28

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