Tag Archives: case law

Letter to Editor and Draft Initiative. 2023 Best

This assignment involves writing a Letter to Editor and Draft Initiative. Arizona offers unique opportunities for direct democracy based on initiative power. In 2012 the Arizona voters, for example, rejected the Proposition 204 initiative that sought to convert a temporary sales tax that funded education into a permanent tax.

Letter to Editor and Draft Initiative.

Letter to Editor and Draft Initiative. Arizona offers unique opportunities for direct democracy based on initiative power. In 2012 the Arizona voters, for example, rejected the Proposition 204 initiative that sought to convert a temporary sales tax that funded education into a permanent tax. In a 500-750-word “Letter to the Editor,” propose an initiative for an educational issue that you feel needs to be addressed. Include a plan about how this issue could become an initiative under Arizona law. Your letter should be written to persuade others to agree with your position. Support your position with examples from case law, the U.S. Constitution, or other readings. https://youtu.be/plvTtTfqszc

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Hong Kong Land administration 2022 Best

For this assignment we will explore to what extent do the Hong Kong land administration system has demonstrated an interplay and inter-connectedness between land lease, town planning, and building control

Hong Kong Land administration

Interplay about Land administration system( land lease, town planning, and building control) Paper details: Answer “To what extent do you agree that the Hong Kong land administration system has demonstrated an interplay and inter-connectedness between land lease, town planning, and building control?” ・Please make proper acknowledgment of any laws, rules, and regulations, case law, and/or any decisions made by any appeal tribunals/panels ・refer to the lecture notes, use the court cases, and official government websites/ regulations ・ DON’T refer to any academic articles, Refer to the court cases ・ Use footnotes for the citations + reference page ・Macro perspective rather than micro perspective. https://youtu.be/HtXuOJYse9M


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