Tag Archives: Code of Conduct.

Ethical Issue and Action Plan. 2023 Best

Assessment 2: Ethical Issue and Action Plan. Instructions Write a 5 page report in which you complete the following: Brainstorm several alternatives for resolving the ethical dilemma in the case.

Ethical Issue and Action Plan.

Assessment 2: Ethical Issue and Action Plan. Instructions Write a 5 page report in which you complete the following: Brainstorm several alternatives for resolving the ethical dilemma in the case. Analyze alternatives for resolving the ethical dilemma and come to a conclusion. Analyze and document the possible ramifications for at least three alternatives. Then, choose a course of action. Apply ethical codes and standards to support the plan of action. Explain the research methods used in multiple research studies relevant to the case, and present the findings. Explain your course of action, using research findings from at least two studies to support your plan.

Ethical Issue and Action Plan.

You can use (but are not required to use) additional research beyond the two studies to support your plan. The following is the recommended structure for organizing your assessment: Create a title page: Write a title that reflects the purpose of your work. It is suggested that you use the APA Paper Template [DOCX] to format your paper according to the APA manual (current edition). Write an introduction: For the introduction section of your paper, include the title at the top of the first page. (In APA format, the word Introduction is not used as a heading.) Briefly summarize: The ethical issue in the case you have chosen.

Ethical Issue and Action Plan.

How professional standards and other resources, in general terms, point toward solutions. How the issue in general relates to larger societal problems. Create a heading titled Applied Ethical Principles and Standards: Use the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct to assess which of the principles and standards relate to the particular ethical issue in this case, and analyze how they do so. Create a heading titled Alternative Solutions: Brainstorm several alternatives for resolving the ethical dilemma in the case. Thoroughly analyze the possible ramifications for at least three alternatives and document them.

Ethical Issue and Action Plan.

Then, choose a course of action. Explain your chosen course of action and support it based on both ethical principles and current psychological research (published within the past decade). Create a heading title Research: Present at least two research studies that support your thinking and approach to ethics in the case. Present the research methods and findings and analyze the relevance of the findings to the case. Create a heading titled Conclusion: Briefly summarize the importance of the problem and make a compelling appeal for implementation of your action plan.

Ethical Issue and Action Plan.

Keep in mind that while your writing must conform to APA standards, you must explain all information in a manner that can be understood easily by a nonacademic or nonscientific audience. Refer to the Ethical Issue and Action Plan Scoring Guide to ensure you meet the grading criteria for this assessment.https://youtu.be/xe0pqCQS7LI

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Diesel Scandal Case. 2022 expert

This paper explores Volkswagen’s Diesel Scandal Case. Assigned Discussion Questions How can a code of conduct help safeguard against illegal and unethical actions? Why did the code of conduct in place at Volkswagen not prevent the emissions scandal?

Diesel Scandal Case

Assignment Paper details: Be sure you have read Chapters 4 and 5 in your text and studied Dr. Altman’s presentations, prior to preparing this case analysis. The link to the case in the Vantage eText is contained in this module. Answer each of the following discussion questions giving some thought to both the information provided in the case and the text models and concepts introduced in Chapters 4 and 5. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS BELOW (they differ from the ones in your text!) Responses to each question should be 1-2 paragraphs fully proofread with clear writing. Be sure to address all parts of each question.

Diesel Scandal Case

Each question is worth 10 grading points. To earn 10 points per question your answer must be fully thought out, merging data from the case with concepts applied from the text to provide sound, supported arguments for your position. The grading scale you will see in the rubric for this assignment has 10 points: Excellent (demonstrates all elements – fully thought out and proofread, merges data from the case to accurately apply concepts). Based on missing elements and/or writing issues, points are deduced so 8 points is “Good”, 6 is “Needs improvement”, and 4 points is “Unacceptable”

Diesel Scandal Case

Assigned Discussion Questions How can a code of conduct help safeguard against illegal and unethical actions? Why did the code of conduct in place at Volkswagen not prevent the emissions scandal? What role did the German Association of Engineers code of ethics play in the case? How typically should a professional code come into play when faced with an ethical dilemma in a company? If you were revising VW’s code of conduct, what recommendations would you make? What processes would you follow to redraft the code? Which ethics screens would you suggest Volkswagen use in the future to hire engineers to be sure they uphold high ethical standards?

Diesel Scandal Case

Refer to the Ethical Systems Model Survey provided for Ch. 5 and the associated “Best Practices” highlights throughout the chapter. Besides a strong Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct (#1 and #2 on the survey) which of the additional 5 items would make a difference if implemented at Volkswagen? Describe the impact each of your recommended action could have.  READINGS. Collins, D. & Kanashiro, P. (2022). Business Ethics: Best Practices for Designing and Managing Ethical Organizations. 3rd Edition. Sage Publishers.

Diesel Scandal Case

The Vantage eBook version of the book is required for this course, as Assignments will be linked to the Vantage platform and eBook. The eBook access code or package can either be purchased directly from Sage publishers or the TAMU-CT bookstore. The ISBN numbers are as follows: 9781071821213 Vantage eBook (if purchased online) 8220124548178 Vantage eBook (if purchased thru bookstore).https://youtu.be/CQ4irwe3ZDk

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Ethics in Psychology. 2022 Best

This paper explores ethics in Psychology. The American Psychological Association (APA) has a Code of Conduct which describes rules concerning ethics in psychological experiments, and review boards are in place to enforce these ethics.

Ethics in Psychology.

Instructions The American Psychological Association (APA) has a Code of Conduct which describes rules concerning ethics in psychological experiments, and review boards are in place to enforce these ethics. But in the past, the standards were not so strict, which is how some very famous studies in psychology came about. Read about (and watch) the following psychological studies that would, today, be considered unethical. The Milgram Experiment Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram hoped to further understand how so many people came to participate in the cruel acts of the Holocaust.

Ethics in Psychology.

He theorized that people are generally inclined to obey authority figures, posing the question, “Could it be that Eichmann and his million accomplices in the Holocaust were just following orders? Could we call them all accomplices?” In 1961, he began to conduct experiments of obedience. Watch the following video: Obedience to Authority The Little Albert Experiment At Johns Hopkins University in 1920, John Watson conducted a study of classical conditioning on a 9-month-old baby he called Albert B. The young boy started the experiment loving animals, particularly a white rat, but when Watson started pairing the presence of the rat with the loud sound of a hammer hitting metal.

Ethics in Psychology.

Albert began to develop a fear of the white rat as well as most animals and furry objects. Watch the following video: Little Albert The Blue Eyes and Brown Eyes Experiment Jane Elliott was not a psychologist, but she developed a controversial exercise in 1968 by dividing students into a blue-eyed group and a brown-eyed group, in an attempt to give her students hands-on experience with discrimination. Watch the following video: A Class Divided Once you have watched and learned about each experiment, choose one experiment to study in more depth.

Ethics in Psychology.

Conduct research online to learn more about that experiment, and then complete the assignment. Choose ONE of the experiments above and construct a 2-page paper based on the following: 1st Paragraph: Clearly state the main problem or issue you need to consider when determining whether or not this study is ethical. Clearly explain what makes this study unethical, and why. Cite at least one outside source, as well as one or two concepts from the APA Code of Conduct, to support your statements. 2nd Paragraph: Analyze and interpret relevant information about this study to determine what would need to be changed in order to meet the APA’s Code of Conduct and ethical standards.

Ethics in Psychology.

3rd Paragraph: Evaluate this study to assess if the benefit of learning the results of this study outweighs the potential harm of conducting the study. Cite at least one outside source to support your statements. 4th Paragraph: Generate a comprehensive conclusion that integrates your thoughts about this study and about ethical experiments (the main problem/issue you addressed in the first paragraph). Make sure that you cite your sources within your paper using APA-formatted in-text citations, and the last page of your paper needs to be your APA-formatted reference page.


Both your first paragraph and third paragraph must have citations. Video Links Below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9l_puxcrlM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMnhyGozLyE https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/class-divided/. https://youtu.be/XU3qnBpx7c0

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Psychological disorders and Treatments. 2022 Best

This paper explores psychological disorders and treatments. This assignment will require you to select a psychological disorder and pair it with a form of psychotherapy that has demonstrable success. You will also create a therapy session transcript that shows successful application of therapeutic communication skills.

Psychological disorders and Treatments.

This assignment will require you to select a psychological disorder and pair it with a form of psychotherapy that has demonstrable success. You will also create a therapy session transcript that shows successful application of therapeutic communication skills. In your work as a mental health provider, you will be called upon to identify, interpret, and successfully apply evidence-based therapies. Instructions For this 9–12 page assignment, you will choose a psychological disorder from the following DSM-5 categories: Depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, trauma and stress related disorders, OR Substance-related and addictive disorders.

Psychological disorders and Treatments.

You will then choose an approach to psychotherapy that has a proven track record. You will also create a therapy session transcript. In that imaginary session, you will explain to the client the type of therapy you would like to use (See 10.1 Informed Consent to Therapy, and 4.02, Discussing the Limits of Confidentiality in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. Link in the Resources) as well as demonstrating the therapeutic communication skills of reflection (thoughts and affect), empathic statements, and open-ended questions.

Psychological disorders and Treatments.

The first 5–6 pages of the paper should describe the client’s demography and presenting concern; it should then provide an academically-based reason for your choice of therapeutic approach to use with the client. The final 3–4 pages will be the transcript of a fictional client. EXAMPLE OF IDENTIFICATION OF SKILL SET WITHIN TRANSCRIPT [Excerpt of middle of a session] Therapist: Hi, how are things going today? [open-ended question] Client: Everyone hates me. Therapist: Can you tell me more….who is “everyone”? [open-ended question] Client: My dad is always on my butt to mow the yard, my mom yells at me about my bedroom.

Psychological disorders and Treatments.

She wants it to look like no one sleeps there, and none of my friends are talking to me at school. Therapist: I want to make sure I understand correctly, right now your friends are not being so friendly, and your mom and dad are mostly interested in their house and yard. [paraphrase] Client: EXACTLY! Did they have me just so I could provide free labor? Therapist: Feeling used can weaken the best of relationships. [empathic statement] Can you tell me when you noticed that your friends stopped talking to you? [open ended question, clarifying question]

Psychological disorders and Treatments.

To successfully complete this assignment, you must meet the following requirements: Written communication: Written communication is grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing should be consistent with graduate level scholarship. APA formatting: Title page, main body, references should be formatted according to APA (6th Edition) style and formatting. Number of resources: Minimum of 6–7 resources. Length of paper: 9–12 typed double-spaced pages to include 3–4 page session transcript, title page, and references.   https://youtu.be/IxJXIc4FfKQ

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