Tag Archives: consultant

Change management skills 2023 Best

This week, you’re demonstrating your change management skills as a management consultant hired by the corporation you chose in Week 5 to develop strategies and supporting tactics to implement positive organizational changes in the company.

Change management skills

This week, you’re demonstrating your change management skills as a management consultant hired by the corporation you chose in Week 5 to develop strategies and supporting tactics to implement positive organizational changes in the company. You will create a change management plan presentation for the company’s Board of Directors. THE COMPANY IS Target Start by reviewing your analysis of the company’s change process from Week 5 to be sure you have a thorough understanding of the change and the need for the change.

Change management skills

Assessment Deliverable Create a 12- to 13-slide Change Management Plan Presentation. Include the following: Evaluate why this change needed to occur. Evaluate how this change impacts the company on a global scale. Evaluate how this change impacts employees. Using Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model, chart strategies and tactics for positively implementing the organizational change. Include the following in your chart: Develop strategies for each of the 8 steps in Kotter’s model.

Change management skills

Develop tactics to support each strategy. Support each strategy you develop with a rationale for why the strategy and its tactics is expected to be effective. Explain how this positive organizational change will help the company sustain a competitive advantage in the global market. Include speaker notes to include additional details that are not present on each slide. Format any citations and references according to APA guidelines. Submit your assessment. https://youtu.be/-T_dtmY5nZ4

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Analyzing informatics systems. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will focus on analyzing informatics systems. This assignment is based on a healthcare organization of choice. You can choose the healthcare organization you work for or any other healthcare organization you are familiar with.

Analyzing informatics systems.

Note: This assignment is based on a healthcare organization of your choice. You can choose the healthcare organization you work for or any other healthcare organization you are familiar with. Task: You are taking the role of an informatics consultant specializing in healthcare who has a client organization (your client is the healthcare organization of your choice). As an external consultant you will need to carry out an assessment of informatics as currently used by your client organization. The client organization requests a set of recommendations on how they can improve their informatics systems in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness of processes.

Analyzing informatics systems.

You should produce a report including the following issues: 1. Analyze the informatics systems currently used by your client organization. 2. Carry an in-depth investigation into one particular informatics system that enhances operational efficiencies used by your client organization and discuss recommendations for how this system can be improved. 3. Assess the ethical implications of dealing with data and discuss policies that are implemented in your client organization to mitigate ethical issues. Use a mix of academic sources (books and journal articles) and non-academic sources (websites, news articles, specialist magazines, other publications etc.) to support your claims throughout.

Analyzing informatics systems.

A minimum of 15 references should be used here. Total Wordcount: 3500-4000 Suggested Structure: Title page Table of Contents Executive summary (one paragraph summary of each key part of the report) Introduction (aim of the study, structure of report, organizational overview) – approx. 400 words (10 marks) 1. Analysis of informatics systems used in the client organization – approx. 1000 words (25 marks) 2. Investigation of one informatics system in the client organization + recommendations – approx. 1000-1300 words (25 marks) 3. Ethical issues and policies – 800 words (20 marks) Conclusions (10 marks) References Appendix (optional) Total Marks: 90. https://youtu.be/jd29oxyGKcE

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