Tag Archives: Cover Letter

Web-based professional portfolio 2023 Best

A web-based professional portfolio is one strategy to demonstrate your capabilities to a prospective employer. Nursing professionals are expected to be proficient in the use of technology.

Web-based professional portfolio

Assignment – Portfolio Development.  A web-based professional portfolio is one strategy to demonstrate your capabilities to a prospective employer. Nursing professionals are expected to be proficient in the use of technology. Electronic portfolios (e.g. wix.com) are becoming a standard part of the application process for professional employment. A resume, with a cover letter, is generally the first opportunity a prospective employer has to evaluate your qualifications for a given position. A resume is a brief summary of your background, education, and experience. A cover letter highlights your qualifications for the specific position you are applying for.

Web-based professional portfolio

Used as a marketing tool to sell yourself, the resume should be no longer than two pages (preferably one), easy to read, neat and error free. Textbook and campus career services are appropriate resources for ideas about how to develop a resume. A prospective employer will also require professional letters of recommendation in considering a candidate for a nursing position. Your request for a letter of recommendation will impact the quality of the letter. The way in which you present yourself using these documents is an integral part of the hiring process.

Web-based professional portfolio

The e-Portfolio should be written as if you are applying for a position after obtaining your BSN. Here’s a sample of a developed e-portfolio – click this link – https://nbibi245.wixsite.com/portfolio Overall, the requirement are · Resume-2 pages · Cover letter- 1 page: emphasize my qualification to work as RN for medical-surgical floor and mental health · Request for a letter of recommendation-1 page. https://youtu.be/krUFfF2IzSA

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Career Investigation project 2022 Best

Final Project: Career Investigation project will be an opportunity to explore several careers in a relaxed and open manner while also practicing primary research.

Career Investigation project

Create 2 separate interviews for this paper about asking someone about their job it should be listed down below near the bottom of the document you will have to create these interviews the interview should be about someone asking about their job specifically the job should be a nurse and a Taco bell fast food worker and you can make them as long as you would like preferably at least half a page each Final Project: Career Investigation The final project will be an opportunity to explore several careers in a relaxed and open manner while also practicing primary research.

You will conduct two to three interviews*, practice summarizing, analyzing, and using your data, and then presenting it all in a final project portfolio.

Career Investigation project

The Portfolio: Table of Contents 1. Cover Letter 2. Summary and Analysis of Interview #1 3. Summary and Analysis of Interview #2 4. (Summary and Analysis of Interview #3)* 5. Career Fair Artifact 6. Career Fair Artifact Rhetorical Analysis 7. Works Cited (see Purdue OWL for a refresher on MLA and Works Cited pages with personal interviews) 8. Addendum A: Full text of Interview #1 or link to an audio or video file 9. Addendum B: Full text of Interview #2 or link to an audio or video file 10. (Addendum C: Full text of Interview #3 or link to an audio or video file).

The portfolio will need to be submitted as one document, but each section should be clearly labeled and separate from the other sections.

Career Investigation project

Be sure to use the “page break” feature. This is important when sharing documents with others because formatting changes when readers use different software to open files. You want to be sure your audience views your document in the same way you created it. The Cover Letter The cover letter should cover the following information (organize in the way that makes the most sense with the information you are presenting): • Why you chose the interview subjects and careers you did • An overall conclusion on how you think the interviews went

What you learned from each interview about the skill of interviewing and yourself as an interviewer and how you applied that knowledge to each subsequent interview.

Career Investigation project

What you learned from each interview about the career, the interview subject, yourself (discuss any or all) • What you learned about summarizing and analyzing • Discuss how your approach to each summary and analysis stayed the same and changed • Discuss why you chose the career fair artifact you did and why you decided to focus on the career(s) you did • Overall conclusions on interviewing and careers Summaries and Analyses of Interviews Over the course of two weeks, you will conduct two to three interviews about two to three different careers. You cannot interview two people about the same career.

Career Investigation project

Your interviews can be done in person, via the phone, or via video conferencing, but they cannot be email or text interviews. The analysis of each interview will vary depending on focus, and the detailed instructions to these will be found on Moodle when you submit them. You will receive feedback from your peers so that you can revise before submitting your portfolio. *You are required to do two interviews, but you may do a third for extra credit. Career Fair Artifact Imagine that you are part of a team at ATU that is putting together a career fair for students who are undecided about their major or who want to explore other options.

Career Investigation project

Everyone on the committee had to interview three people about their careers in order to find candidates to come present at the career fair. After conducting the interviews, each person on the committee was also responsible for creating one artifact to help make the career fair successful. You will choose one thing from the list to create: • A flyer to be distributed around campus prior to the event to recruit people to come to the fair. It must advertise what types of careers will be presented at the fair (from your interviews)

• A flyer to be hung in front of the career fair advertising one of the keynote speakers (one of the people you interviewed). Career Investigation project https://youtu.be/qZvHE6VMrbs

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