Tag Archives: donations

Education in Finland 2023 Best

Read “Education in Finland” from chapter 16.1, and “Education Around the World,” of your text (click here). Also review the following excerpts . Then answer the questions below. Each question requires a 300 word minimum response.

Education in Finland

Research the following and use the Internet to provide a current event or other real-world example of the concept. Read “Education in Finland” from chapter 16.1, and “Education Around the World,” of your text (click here). Also review the following excerpts . Then answer the questions below. Each question requires a 300 word minimum response. The Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) is one of the state’s largest agencies in terms of appropriations and total spending. In 2020 the OSDE received $3.07 billion of the state’s $8.2 billion in state appropriations, a 5.4 percent increase from 2019.

Education in Finland

Source: Oklahoma Senate Appropriations Reports While the dollar amount appropriated to the OSDE increased in fiscal year 2020, its share of the appropriated budget dropped slightly. That $3.07 billion makes up 37.4 percent of Oklahoma’s total appropriated budget, down from 37.9 percent in 2019. Source: Oklahoma Senate Appropriations Reports Questions: Did you have a high school experience that readied you for college? Please describe. Do you think college is affordable? Why or why not? Describe one national system that offers free college. Would the U.S. embrace “free college?”

Education in Finland

How would “free colleges” be funded? (Remember, “free” college is not “free.” The costs must be covered by taxes, donations, etc. Be sure to check the amount of Oklahoma tax money is required to fund education in this state. It is one of the largest expenditures in the state budget.) What would public supported free college do to private colleges in the U.S.? Is this something worth doing? How would the U.S. provide for the cost of “free college?” Be sure to give enough detail that your understanding of the concept is apparent and include the URL address of your research. https://youtu.be/nQ1lElD7Uvg

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United States system of campaign 2022 Best

This paper explores how the United States system of campaign finance facilitate democratic accountability? How does it undermine democratic accountability? What can or ought to be done about this system?

United States system of campaign

Topic: In the past decade or so, the role of money in elections has come into renewed focus. This is especially true of so-called dark money groups. In the text and lecture, we looked at recent Supreme Court decisions that have loosened or overturned restrictions on campaign donations since 2010. These decisions have made dark money even more prevalent today than in the past. OpenSecrets.org is an organization that collects and analyzes publicly discussed campaign donations. They put together this primer on dark money: https://www.opensecrets.org/dark-money/basics. Give a look and then respond to the below.

United States system of campaign

Prompt for Discussion: Consider then, based on the information in the text, lecture, and the above primer, each of the following: How does the American system of campaign finance facilitate democratic accountability? How does it undermine democratic accountability? What can or ought to be done about this system? Once you have made your initial post, be sure to review and respond to at least two other things posted you your classmates. https://youtu.be/5bO–0RLAyI

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