Tag Archives: Excel

The future of mobile computing 2023 Best

This paper explores the future of mobile computing. The technology paper should cover some aspect of the various technologies we have covered(excel, access, Dreamweaver, tableau) in this course.

The future of mobile computing

The technology paper should cover some aspect of the various technologies we have covered(excel, access, Dreamweaver, tableau) in this course. The paper should be 3-4 pages, double-spaced, and should contain at least two references to sources other than the book. One option is to write about a company that you are familiar with and show how they are using one of the technologies covered in the book. Other possible topics include What are the advantages and dangers of the cloud and how have organizations used the cloud? What is the future of mobile computing? Which companies have successfully used big data and business intelligence? What makes them successful?

The future of mobile computing

Companies are increasingly adoption a bring-you-own-device (BYOD) strategy when it comes to providing its employers. What is the BYOD strategy and what are the advantages and drawbacks? Security breaches continue to occur at what seems to be an increasing rate. What are the reasons and what can be done about it? A number of organizations rely heavily on social media for example for their marketing operations. What are the advantages and drawbacks of a heavy reliance on social media? What can organizations do to ameliorate the drawbacks?

The future of mobile computing

Despite significant advances in the management information systems and in the management of their development, organizations continue to face difficulties in developing and/or building new information systems. What are the reasons and what can be done about it? You are of course free to come up with any other topic. If in doubt, just contact me. The paper itself should have an introduction in which you introduce the topic of your paper, a body in which you discuss your findings, and a conclusion. In the conclusion, you should point to open questions that could be researched in the future.

The future of mobile computing

80 of the 100 points for the paper will be for content; the remaining 20 will be for spelling, grammar and formatting. You will be awarded 20 points if the paper has 3 or less punctuation, spelling and/or grammar errors, 10 if it has between 4 and 8, and 0 if the paper has more than 8 punctuation, spelling and/or grammar errors. https://youtu.be/mGm9r2XpnaI

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Information Systems and the business world. 2023 Best

This paper explores information Systems and the business world. Introduction: As you will recall from the syllabus the course had two goals, namely To help you understand how organizations use technology to achieve their business goals, and To familiarize you with certain information technologies that are commonly used in the business world.

Information Systems and the business world.

Introduction: As you will recall from the syllabus the course had two goals, namely To help you understand how organizations use technology to achieve their business goals, and To familiarize you with certain information technologies that are commonly used in the business world. This Final Reflection Paper allows you to reflect on whether the course achieved this goals, what you have learned, how what you have learned may be advantageous to your current and/or future career, and what went well and what did not go so well in the course. Note that this paper is not an exam.

Information Systems and the business world.

Instead, it is meant as an opportunity for you to reflect on how well the material allowed you to achieve the various course objectives. Structure of the Paper The paper should be around 3 pages in total, double spaced, and  divide it into the following sections: Section A: Information Systems In this section, reflect on the first goal, namely help you understand how organizations use technology to achieve their business goals, and the objectives related to this goal (course objectives 1-6). Reflect on are how likely it is that you will use the knowledge that you gained in this course about information systems business in your current and/or future career.

Information Systems and the business world.

Finally, please comment on the quality of the course material when it comes to these competencies. For example, was the text book that we selected for this course appropriate, and were the narrated slides in each module helpful? Section B: Technology Tools In this section, reflect on the second goal, namely to familiarize you with certain information technologies that are commonly used in the business world, and the course objectives related to this goal (course objectives 7 and 8). We covered a large number of tools, including Excel, Access, Dreamweaver, and Tableau. Please reflect on what you learned about these tools.

Information Systems and the business world.

Also, again comment on the quality of the course material when it comes to these competencies. Were the mini-cases appropriate, and did we cover them appropriately? If not, which ones should we replace, or how should we change them? Section C: Course Assessment Your performance in this course was assessed using a fairly large number of assessment instruments tech news postings, quizzes, deliverables, a research paper, and a business portfolio). Was this mix of assessment instruments appropriate? If not, what should we drop, what should we add? Section D: Overall Course Design In this section,  comment on the overall course design.

Information Systems and the business world.

What worked well for you? What did not work well? This course was designed to cover both technology and information systems in organizations. Should we change the mix of technology and information systems and pay more attention to one at the expense of the other? Also, and this section is of course optional, include any suggestions you have for course improvements. Rubric Each section will be graded out of 7. I will look for well-structured arguments. For example, when you make a claim, justify it either with reference to some external source  with reference to the syllabus itself. https://youtu.be/a5_ORxT4eyA

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Design model and result analysis 2022 Best

This design model and result analysis assignment asks you to identify a question about your IDP project that can be solved with a design model. 2. Develop a simple model of the system, component, or behavior that you wish to study using Excel, Python, Solid works, or any other software package that you are comfortable with and feel is relevant.

Design model and result analysis

Design model exercise- 1. Identify a question about your IDP project that can be solved with a design model. 2. Develop a simple model of the system, component, or behavior that you wish to study using Excel, Python, Solid works, or any other software package that you are comfortable with and feel is relevant. 3. Develop a small experiment that attempts to answer the question you are focusing on using your model. This experiment should systematically vary input parameters to your model in order to determine an appropriate configuration, part dimension(s), or component selection(s) that will help your design to perform as required or achieve a stated objective.

Design model and result analysis

4. Run your experiment and draw a conclusion about the question you are focused on. Refer to the design model exercise(pdf file attached) for more information and follow the rubrics there. A sample design model exercise file is attached but take note it is a different design model but you should follow that format. I encourage you to use excel for plotting the graph. The design model is a track ramp to lift a tent box(maximum weight= 200lbs) up to the car roof with the sketch attached(docx file). I suggest plotting a force(y-axis) and angle of the ramp relative to the ground(x-axis)(F=ma)graph because there is a maximum force the person can exert and it is less than 20lb.

Design model and result analysis

Determine the angle to meet that requirement by plotting with different angles(0-90 degrees). The force is the output and the angle is the input. So, the question of the design model could be” i want to know the angle of the ramp relative to the ground to meet a force of less than 20lb(the constraint)” an example. feel free to change the sentence. The force and acceleration should be constant. Weight and kinetic friction are constant. Refer to the problem statement draft where it defines the problem(Aluminium folding docx file attached). Submit the excel spreadsheet file where you plot the graph(model) and the summary(docx file).

Design model and result analysis

Result analysis- write a 1-3 page paper that presents the results obtained in your modeling exercise (2890 Design Model Exercise) in such a way that a supervisor, who has very little direct understanding of you project, can understand the context of the model you developed, the results obtained, and correct action to take based on the question you tried to answer. You can (and should) start with your submission for the design model exercise, but the focus here is on telling a complete, technical, story about your model. Your paper should tell a focused and clear story about your model, and should do the following, and a liberal use of visual aides and equations is advised:

Design model and result analysis

1. Present the design question you focused on (and why it is important to your design problem) 2. Present the details of how your model works (science, equation(s), etc.) 3. Detail the results obtained in your modeling study 4. Suggest a course of action to take based on the results obtained. Refer to the result analysis paper(pdf file attached) for more information and follow the rubric there. The paper should be written in accordance with the Document formatting Guidelines(pdf file attached). https://youtu.be/5xSLDaxUq64

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