Tag Archives: geography

Living in a diverse society. 2023 Best

This assignment involves writing a descriptive essay essay about living in a diverse society. In our examination of Identity & Worldview this term, you are asked to connect your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions with those of others: What do others value? Why are their values different from yours? How can we have respect for others’ values living in a diverse society?

Living in a diverse society.

Assignment Guidelines For your Descriptive Essay, you will answer the question “What does it mean to live in a diverse society?” In your Narrative Essay, you addressed your values, but here you will examine why your core values are different from others. This is not an easy question and will take some time to think of the best way to approach this. In our examination of Identity & Worldview this term, you are asked to connect your thoughts, beliefs, and perceptions with those of others: What do others value? Why are their values different from yours? How can we have respect for others’ values living in a diverse society?

Living in a diverse society.

Read through Living with Diversity for an explanation of the types of diversity. You’ll choose ONE aspect of diversity in your thesis, then divide this into 3+ smaller components addressing why in your body paragraphs; from here, use personal experiences to support each body paragraph. Choose ONE aspect of a diverse society from this list: ethnicity, cultural background, educational background, geography, socioeconomic background, gender roles, age, sexual orientation, religion, political views, physical ability, and extracurricular abilities. https://youtu.be/_VRdUe1i_es

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Evaluating a nondemocratic nation. 2023 Best

This assignment involves evaluating a nondemocratic nation. Overview: For this milestone, you will write a 2- to 3-page paper. You will evaluate a nondemocratic country of your choice. In particular, evaluate the geography, economics, identity, culture, and demographics.

Evaluating a nondemocratic nation.

Overview: For this milestone, you will write a 2- to 3-page paper. You will evaluate a nondemocratic country of your choice. In particular, evaluate the geography, economics, identity, culture, and demographics. To guide your thinking, reflect on how your chosen country’s current government is structured. You should also consider how the structures of government and other characteristics compare with the characteristics of democratic nations, as discussed in Milestones One and Two. At this point, you should be comfortable working with the skills required of you in the rubric. You should be building on the skills you’ve been working on in Milestones One and Two.

Evaluating a nondemocratic nation.

In this milestone, you will need to be able to discern the differences between democratic and nondemocratic countries in a compare and-contrast format. The final project will ask that you access all the skills you have used throughout the course. By completing this assignment, you are demonstrating the following skills employers in the field may be looking for: • Analyzing and interpreting data • Qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis • Analytical skills and critical thinking • Professional writing communication skills Prompt: Specifically, you must address the following critical elements:

Evaluating a nondemocratic nation.

III. Characteristics of Nondemocratic Nations a. Evaluate how each key characteristic has shaped the United Kingdom’s political and social institutions. Use scholarly peer-reviewed sources to support your claim. i. Geography: characteristics related to the location of the country ii. Economics: characteristics related to the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services iii. Culture: a society’s commonly held customs, norms, habits, and values iv. Demographics: characteristics of a population that could include age, race, gender, ethnicity, income, education, and so forth.

Evaluating a nondemocratic nation.

v. National identity: an identity that locates one’s social position in relation to national membership vi. International relations with external states: how countries interact with one another and the policies they have toward those relationships Rubric Guidelines for Submission: Milestone Three should incorporate a minimum of two or more relevant factors and details for each characteristic, be 2 to 3 pages long, and use at least three sources, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA format. https://youtu.be/LDHMLKVIj_c

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Elementary grade Florida standards. 2022 Best

This paper explores elementary grade Florida standards. As a teacher, you will be using children’s literature in your classroom to serve many purposes, such as teaching particular content, developing specific skills, and addressing cross-curricular needs.

Elementary grade Florida standards.

Paper details: As a teacher, you will be using children’s literature in your classroom to serve many purposes, such as teaching particular content, developing specific skills, and addressing cross-curricular needs. For this task, think broadly about the role that children’s literature plays in helping students appreciate how the literature that they are exposed to can help them understand mathematics, science, history, culture, geography, etc. in different ways. You will present ways in which children’s texts promote cross-curricular understanding and appreciation.

Elementary grade Florida standards.

Your focus will be on how children’s literature can be used to foster conversations and connections for students in the classroom and what teaching practices you can use and take forward with you into your own classroom. REQUIREMENTS Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. The originality report that is provided when you submit your task can be used as a guide.

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work.

Elementary grade Florida standards.

Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course. Tasks may not be submitted as cloud links, such as links to Google Docs, Google Slides, OneDrive, etc., unless specified in the task requirements. All other submissions must be file types that are uploaded and submitted as attachments (e.g., .docx, .pdf, .ppt). A. Identify three children’s books with one common central focus (i.e., a topic such as the solar system, life cycles, the civil rights movement, etc.). Cite the books according to APA style.

Elementary grade Florida standards.

Each book must meet the following criteria: • be appropriate for an elementary or middle-level (grades K–8) classroom • not contain religious instruction Note: The children’s books should have depth and breadth of content which will enable you to incorporate those books into a learning segment in part B. B. Using the attached “WGU Connected Learning Segment Overview Template,” create a cross-curricular learning segment overview with three lessons that does the following: • be designed to support students when interacting with children’s literature (e.g., motivate and engage students).

Elementary grade Florida standards.

Incorporate all the books from part A (at least one book per lesson) • relate to one central focus • be appropriate for elementary or middle-level students • contain three different subjects (i.e., math, social studies, science) 1. Complete the “General Information” section of the attached template. 2. Complete the “Lesson Information” sections for each of the three lessons in the attached template. Each lesson must incorporate at least one book identified in part A. 3. Complete the Reflection section of the attached template by explaining how the learning segment was designed to support students (e.g., motivating and engaging students) when interacting with children’s literature.  https://youtu.be/D4NPMGe8Zww

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