Tag Archives: hyperlinks

Johns Hopkins appraisal tools 2023 Best

Using the Johns Hopkins appraisal tools listed below, decide for each of your two articles whether or not you have a research article on non-research article.

Johns Hopkins appraisal tools

Using the Johns Hopkins appraisal tools listed below, decide for each of your two articles whether or not you have a research article on non-research article. This is the Johns Hopkins Appraisal tool listed below: https://podcasts.hopkinsmedicine.org/2019/08/27/johns-hopkins-nursing-evidence-based-practice-tools/ Use the appraisal tool to guide you on information to include in your paragraphs. Your summary will be similar in length to the short writing assignments (350-375 words). Use the appropriate appraisal tool, Research or Non-Research, for each article, answer the questions and click through the hyperlinks in the tool. Make sure you answer all appropriate questions!

Johns Hopkins appraisal tools

In other words, I have attached the two evidence appraisal tools below, one is for research and the other is for non – research. You will have to decide if the two articles I have provided below are non research or research articles. Which ever they end up being, you will complete the evidence appraisal tools on. For example, if one article is research then you will complete the research evidence appraisal tool for that article and you will summarize in about 350 to 375 words about that article using the appraisal tool. You will summarize where it says pertinent Trudy findings and recommendations. You will do this summarization on both articles.

Johns Hopkins appraisal tools

For Research evidence, generally you will include research design, sample, intervention, measurements, results, limitations and how findings address PICOT question in your summary. For Non-research evidence, you will generally summarize the article and how it addresses PICOT question. This is my PICOT Question: For infants delivered via C – Section, does early skin to skin contact increase the duration of successful breastfeeding? The first article is listed below, the second article is a pdf attached below, and the two evidence appraisal tools are attached below. Article 1: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/336082153_THE_EFFECT_OF_EARLY_SKIN_TO_SKIN_CONTACT_IN_TERM_NEONATES_AFTER_C-SECTION_ON_BREASTFEEDING_CHOICE_AT_THE_TIME_OF_DISCHARGE.  https://youtu.be/q4qqML2j4ms

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Ethical issues in dental hygiene. 2022 Best

This paper explores ethical issues in dental hygiene. Instructions: Conduct a search using both internet and library database resources. You must use at least 3 sources, one of which must be from the library database. Keep track of these sources!

Ethical issues in dental hygiene.

Conduct a search using both internet and library database resources. You must use at least 3 sources, one of which must be from the library database. Keep track of these sources! You will need to include a reference slide at the end of your presentation. (Milestone 4) PowerPoint presentation that contains between 12 to 18 slides Title Slide (1 slide) – includes your name and the presentation title. Introduction Slide (1 slide) – should be something catchy and explain why this issue is important. Body/Content Slides (8-14 slides) – must be interesting, well organized, and presented clearly.

Ethical issues in dental hygiene.

Slides should not contain full sentences/paragraphs. Summary Slide (1 slide) – may also include a way for others to get involved, help, or get more information. Reference Slide (1 slide) – must be in APA style and be a minimum of 3 resources. When including hyperlinks in the reference list, they must be hyperlinked. (Milestone 4) PowerPoint Elements: Include the following PowerPoint elements: Apply a single theme or design template. Apply a transition to each slide. Do NOT use animation. Provide at least one hyperlink to a video or useful online article, this does not include hyperlinks in citation/reference slide.

Ethical issues in dental hygiene.

Use at least 5 open or royalty free images, cite the image on the bottom of the slide where the image exists (Milestone 6) Use smart art at least one time. Include an original graph, copied and pasted from Excel (do not include it as a picture, be sure to copy and paste from Excel). (Milestone 5) Include a footer on each slide with the slide number and your last name. https://youtu.be/umJttjGW9Sc

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