Tag Archives: ideology

Reflective Journal entry. 2023 Best

This is a reflective Journal entry. The purpose of this assignment is to critically reflect on the issues, questions, and themes pertaining to media, identities, and politics.

Reflective Journal entry.

Instruction: The purpose of this assignment is to critically reflect on the issues, questions, and themes pertaining to media, identities, and politics. You must incorporate at least two of the readings from the corresponding Weeks into your Reflective Journal entry. Each of your journal entries must briefly discuss the main arguments addressed by the course readings. Possible questions to think about are: What is the main argument from the reading(s)? What main theory or concept do the author(s) use to build the argument? A vital part of the Reflective Journal entries is to critically reflect on the course material.

Reflective Journal entry.

Possible questions to think to critically respond to the course material include: How does the reading address aspects of media, identity, politics? How and why does the reading change or influence your understanding of media, identity, or politics? How do the theories/examples raised by the reading relate to current (real-world) examples? Bring in your interests here to apply, analyze, and reflect upon the course readings! What connections can be made from the readings to earlier course material?

Reflective Journal entry.

Do the readings challenge previous discussions from lecture? Do they bring in a different perspective? How do the readings address core concepts like neoliberalism, intersectionality, ideology, capitalism, hegemony, etc.? How do the readings relate to course themes? To help strengthen your reflections, include references to the readings and/or lecture material/current examples. https://youtu.be/-Z1dxDmrtyU

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The Theory Toolbox. 2022 Best

The goal is to analyze the texts using the more substantial concepts we explored in The Theory Toolbox. In the beginning of your paper, then, you should choose one quote from the relevant chapter from that text (“Ideology,” “Time/Space,” and then “Agency”) to help you explain how you understand the term for the purposes of your paper.

The Theory Toolbox.

Theory Toolbox: Agency. The purpose of these papers is to get you to examine literary texts in a more substantial way than simply summarizing or reacting to them. The goal is to analyze the texts using the more substantial concepts we explored in The Theory Toolbox. In the beginning of your paper, then, you should choose one quote from the relevant chapter from that text (“Ideology,” “Time/Space,” and then “Agency”) to help you explain how you understand the term for the purposes of your paper.

The Theory Toolbox.

Conclude the opening section by describing how, specifically, you will use your definition of the concept to explore how two texts by two different authors “work” in one or two sentences. After that, you should focus on one text and elaborate your argument by doing a “close reading” of specific scenes or passages, and then transition to the second text to do a close reading of specific scenes there. works to choose from:

The Theory Toolbox.

Tecumseh, 670, William Apess, 850, Cherokee Women, 671 Phillis Wheatley, 574 “The Federalist Papers”, 514 Thomas Paine, 440 de Crevecour, Hector St. John, 377 Textbook to find texts: https://web.ung.edu/media/university-press/becoming-america-v2.pdf?t=1671419317377 textbook to find what agency is: https://www.northernhighlands.org/cms/lib5/NJ01000179/Centricity/Domain/159/The%20Theory%20Toolbox%202nd%20ed.pdf.https://youtu.be/fgJwMgzye64

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The American Revolution. 2022 Best

For today’s assignment we will focus on the American Revolution. Questions: What are the circumstances leading to the American Revolution? Do not discuss only the facts of the Revolutionary War but the ideology of revolution.

The American Revolution.

( chapters 4 and 5) Discussion the book name is Give Liberty an American history Eric foner 6 edition. Answer the following question(s) in paragraph form. You should include information from your textbook readings, primary source material, or articles in your MODULES section. Make sure you use actual examples from the assigned reading for the week. Be concise and detailed in your answer. A general rule is a one-paragraph minimum per question, though you may write as much as you like. Please respond to your fellow students.

The American Revolution.

What are the circumstances leading to the American Revolution? Do not discuss only the facts of the Revolutionary War but the ideology of revolution. How did the introduction of the public sphere factor into revolutionary ideals? Remember to provide analysis in your response. Citation Guide for Discussions • Remember the period is placed after the last parentheses. • Page numbers and dates in this guide are an example. Foner textbook: (Foner, 25) or (25) Lecture Notes: (Rayner, 9/5) or (Lecture, 9/5) Any direct quote: (Author Name, Page Number).

The American Revolution.

Example: (Washington, 25), any primary source from Voice of Freedom. o Use quotation marks Documents: (Name or Author) • Example: Nevada Constitution (NV Const) or U.S. Constitution (USC) Video: (Video, 1) The number is the MODULE) • Example: Video from MODULE 1 Companion Notes: (Comp Notes) Image: Chapter where the image is obtained. • Example: (Image, Ch 3) Please ask if you are unclear how to cite a source! https://youtu.be/gzALIXcY4pg


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