Tag Archives: jazz

The history of rock music 2023 Best

In the first few weeks of this class, we have been looking at the history of rock music from various angles. We’ve looked at it’s pre-history, tracing it’s origins from slave hollers, spirituals, jug-band music, jazz, and the Appalachian folk tunes that evolved into country music then eventually merged to form early rock.

The history of rock music

Mid-Term and Final Papers In the first few weeks of this class, we have been looking at the history of rock from various angles. We’ve looked at it’s pre-history, tracing it’s origins from slave hollers, spirituals, jug-band music, jazz, and the Appalachian folk tunes that evolved into country music then eventually merged to form early rock. We’ll look at societal influences then at the key artists who helped shape the genre. It is now time to put this all together! Your mid-term (and final assignment) will be to write a minimum three (3) page paper discussing a topic of your choice within the realm of rock history. It could be about a specific artist, a genre, societal influences, technology.

The history of rock music

It’s best to keep it within the time frames studied to make it relevant to class material: weeks 1-6, pre-history to 1969, weeks 6-10, 1969 to 1995 (to the present). The Basics: • The papers will be typed, double-spaced, using 12-point font and one-inch margins. • Include a cover page, which will include your paper title, your name, class name, and the due date on which it is turned in • Include a separate page for your bibliography (a listing of all the sources you used in the paper • The cover page and the bibliography page will not count toward the three required pages!

The history of rock music

The Requirements: Each paper must utilize a minimum of three (3) different sources not already used in class.  The sources can include internet-based resources or traditional hard-copy resources. As mentioned above, the sources you used must be listed in a bibliography at the end of the paper. I have no preference for the bibliographic style (e.g., MLA, APA or Chicago), as long as your entries include the following information: A bibliographic reference for hard-copy sources must include the: • author’s name • name of the article • location of that article (e.g., the book title, the journal name, etc.) • page numbers • year published A bibliographic reference for internet sources must include the: • author’s name (if known) • name of the article.

The history of rock music

URL address of the article • year published/updated (if known) • date retrieved A citation must be provided for each fact you present in the paper. In other words, you need to indicate where the information came from. There are at least three common methods for doing this. • One method is to number your sources; and after each fact you present, in parentheses, put the number of the source it came from and the page number. Note that often the page number is not listed for internet sources—if that is the case, you do not need to write “pg. 1”. (1, pg. 1). The history of rock music  https://youtu.be/-lXPObrf7RQ

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Musical elements of non-Western music 2022 Best

The goal of this discussion is to explore the history, culture, instruments and musical elements of non-Western music from one of the world’s local cultures.

Musical elements of non-Western music

Music Paper details: Goal: The goal of this discussion is to explore the history, culture, instruments and musical elements of a specific style of non-Western music from one of the world’s local cultures. Course Objectives: CO-2: Apply musical terminology, concepts and critical listening skills to a given major composer and style of music. CO-3: Analyze the social, political, and cultural influences on Western and non-Western music. CO-4: Examine different styles of music found around the world. Description: In this project, you will create an informative website featuring the music of a specific non-Western culture.

Musical elements of non-Western music

(Note that the term “world music” in the context of this assignment refers to music that is not based in the Western tradition of music. If you are not sure if your chosen topic is a style of non-Western music, contact your instructor, who will provide guidance on your topic selection.) Something to consider when choosing your topic is to make sure it is a style of music that is still in existence and performed, so you will be able to find musical examples and address all of the required elements of the assignment. Post a link to your website both to the WK8 “Let’s Explore World Music” Discussion and to this Assignment.

Musical elements of non-Western music

You will be building your website by using wix.com, which is free and easy to use. Wix features user-friendly drag and drop technology, so you can easily change or customize your website. All that is required is to set-up an account using your email address and password. Here is a beginner’s guide for creating Wix websites. There is also a good video explanation of building a website with Wix. Wix also has an excellent Help Center to address any questions you have while creating your website. The website should include the following: 1. A summary of the chosen culture including a short history. 2. A brief explanation of some beliefs and traditions of the culture.

Musical elements of non-Western music

3. Description of the instruments used in that culture’s music. 4. Explanation of the key attributes of the culture’s music, including melody, harmony, timbre, texture, rhythm and form. (If the style of music you choose does not include one or more of these musical elements, then you need to explain why that musical element is not present in the music.) 5. Specific introduction to one piece of music from the culture. Include at least three examples of the music, such as through linking to YouTube performances. Be sure to include a description of one of the musical examples. The above elements can either be included on one page of your website or separated into different pages.

Musical elements of non-Western music

Include your name on your website. Your website should include photos and video (either linked or embedded). Embedded photos and videos need to be cited. Your choice of world music must be a style of traditional music that is non-Western or not from the Western tradition of music, therefore avoid choosing styles of music from the U.S., Canada, or Europe, including jazz, folk, or any type of pop music (including hip hop). For example, a pop or rock band from Europe or Japan would not be appropriate for this assignment. Celtic or Irish music are also not appropriate styles of music because these are European styles of music.

Musical elements of non-Western music

Also, because most students are already familiar with Reggae music, do not choose Reggae for your topic. Sources must be valid, academic sources (i.e. Please do not use non-academic websites, such as Wikipedia or About.com). Your website should not contain more than 15% direct quotes and direct quotes must be in quotation marks. Direct quotes and paraphrased material must be cited in the body of the text and in a reference section. After your website is completed and published, submit your website link in Assignments.

Musical elements of non-Western music

Then, you will be posting a link to your website in the WK8: Exploring the World through Music thread when answering the WK8 Discussion question. Please consider the following: Here is a sample website that met the assignment requirements. (This example website includes a little too much direct quoting and the musical example needs a more developed explanation.) https://youtu.be/u-Wagss-_nQ

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