Tag Archives: journals

Annotated bibliography on Sex Trafficking. 2022 Best

This assignment involves writing an annotated bibliography on Sex Trafficking. An annotation is a summary and/or evaluation. Therefore, an annotated bibliography includes a summary and/or evaluation of each of the sources. Depending on your project or the assignment, your annotations may do one or more of the following.

Annotated bibliography on Sex Trafficking.

Paper details: Assignment Students are to submit an annotated bibliography for 4 peer reviewed journals on the topic they have been assigned If you do not know what a Peer Reviewed Journal Article or how to write an annotated bibliography, then you should meet with a university librarian to obtain guidance for this assignment. A bibliography is a list of sources (books, journals, Web sites, periodicals, etc.) one has used for researching a topic. Bibliographies are sometimes called “References” or “Works Cited” depending on the style format you are using. A bibliography usually just includes the bibliographic information (i.e., the author, title, publisher, etc.).

Annotated bibliography on Sex Trafficking.

An annotation is a summary and/or evaluation. Therefore, an annotated bibliography includes a summary and/or evaluation of each of the sources. Depending on your project or the assignment, your annotations may do one or more of the following. Summarize: Some annotations merely summarize the source. What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say? The length of your annotations will determine how detailed your summary is. Assess: After summarizing a source, it may be helpful to evaluate it.

Annotated bibliography on Sex Trafficking.

Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? Reflect: Once you’ve summarized and assessed a source, you need to ask how it fits into your research. Was this source helpful to you? How does it help you shape your argument? How can you use this source in your research project? Has it changed how you think about your topic? Formatting requirements (NOTE: This is to be done for EACH article – AGAIN- 4 Separate Journal Articles).

Annotated bibliography on Sex Trafficking.

Each Journal bibliography should have the following HEADINGS (Citation, Summarize, Assess, and Reflect) and each section should cover the information under each of the headings below (again, use the heading – do not include the information included with the headings below – the information included with the headings below is what you will be covering in each heading/section). This a Narrative assignment – do not just have bullets that answer all the information that should be covered in each section. Citation: Full article reference citation – APA Style Summarize: What are the main arguments?

Annotated bibliography on Sex Trafficking.

What is the point of this article? What topics are covered? Minimum 2 paragraphs Minimum 6 full sentences per paragraph – Original summary – not pasted-in sections Assess: Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source? (in other words, does the study look like it was done well does it present reliable and unbiased findings) Minimum 1 paragraph Minimum 6 full sentences – Original summary – not pasted-in sections.

Annotated bibliography on Sex Trafficking.

Reflect: How does this article apply and/or fit into your Research Project Minimum 2 paragraphs Minimum 6 full sentences per paragraph – Original summary – not pasted-in sections VERY IMPORATANT: You will need to read the whole journal articles to assess their value toward your topic. Reading just the abstract will not be enough (trust me, it will be obvious that it was all you read and your grade will be significantly impacted). https://youtu.be/nh1emIVHy8g

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Economic Growth and Job Creation. 2022 Best

In discussion question 6 we will explore trade, Economic Growth and Job Creation. Guiding questions: Does free trade contribute to the improvement of economic well-being? How does trade stimulate long-term economic growth? Explain.

Economic Growth and Job Creation.

Discussion Question 6: Trade, Economic Growth and Job Creation. When writing students, do not use any blogs, Wikipedia, Investopedia, etc. Use credible sources only such as the textbook, journals, newspapers, books, credible websites, etc. Answer questions using APA 7 only! Based on the above summary and the detailed descriptions of the international trade issues in the textbook (Chapter 40) discuss the following questions. • Does free trade contribute to the improvement of economic well-being? How does trade stimulate long-term economic growth? Explain.

Economic Growth and Job Creation.

Who gains and losses from free trade among countries, and how do the gains compare to the losses? Explain using examples. • Do you think the U.S. export and import of goods and services are based on the principle of a comparative advantage of trade? Explain. • Why do countries impose trade restrictions on goods and services they import from other countries? What are the pros and cons of trade protectionism? • What is the impact of free trade on domestic job creation policy? Elaborate with examples. https://youtu.be/xAU4ePv_lOw

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Price Elasticity of Demand 2022 Best

In this assignment, you will deal with the relationship between price elasticity of demand and total revenue. According to the law of demand, if price increases, quantity demanded of a good or service will decrease or vice versa.

Price Elasticity of Demand

In this assignment, you will deal with the relationship between price elasticity of demand and total revenue. According to the law of demand, if price increases, quantity demanded of a good or service will decrease or vice versa. Price elasticity tells us how much quantity demanded will decrease when price increases or how much quantity demanded will increase if price decreases. On the other hand, according to the law of supply, if the price increases, quantity supplied of a good or service will increase. Similarly, if price decreases, quantity supplied will decrease.

Price Elasticity of Demand

The degree of sensitivity (responsiveness) of production/supply to a change in price is measured by the concept of price elasticity of supply. Total revenue is calculated as the quantity of a good or service sold multiplied by its market price. Thus, it is a measure of how much money a company makes from selling its product. The core objective of a firm is maximizing profit. One of the ways to maximize profit is increasing total revenue. The firm can increase its total revenue by selling more items or by raising the price. Among others, this depends on the nature of the price elasticity of demand.

Price Elasticity of Demand

Moreover, the length of time is an important factor in determining price elasticity of demand and supply. Course Outcome practiced and assessed in this assignment: GB540-2: Examine microeconomic tools for purposes of problem solving, analysis, and decision making. Directions: Answer – Explain the relationship between the price elasticity of demand and total revenue. What are the impacts of various forms of elasticities (elastic, inelastic, unit elastic, etc.) on business decisions and strategies to maximize profit? Explain your responses using empirical examples, formulas, and graphs for the various types of elasticities.

Price Elasticity of Demand

Is the price elasticity of demand or supply more elastic over a shorter or a longer period of time? Why? Give examples. What are the impacts of government and market imperfections (failures) on the price elasticities of demand and supply? When writing students, do not use any blogs, Wikipedia, Investopedia, etc. Use credible sources only such as the textbook, journals, newspapers, books, credible websites, etc. Answer questions using APA 7 only! https://youtu.be/FBWJYH8DZ1g

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European imperialists HIST 1062 Best

Modern Africa HIST 1062 Paper focuses on the following Prompt: European imperialists believed they were superior to Africans. The “civilizing mission,” and the need for Christian proselytization, served as key justifications for colonial rule. However, European civilizing efforts and African reception of such efforts often looked quite different in practice than in theory. Answer the following two related questions in your paper, by drawing on Nancy Jacobs, Wole Soyinka, and the mini-lectures.

European imperialists

Modern Africa HIST 1062 Paper details: Write a 1-2 page, double-spaced paper (with one inch margins in Times New Roman), which persuasively answers the below prompt. Support your thesis with specific evidence. You should draw your evidence from course readings, as well as from class lectures and discussions. You may not use outside sources. You should use parenthetical citations to cite this evidence, listing the author and page number (see below for an example). Your paper is due in Canvas by Oct. 9 at 11:59 pm. It is worth fifteen percent of your final grade. There is a grading rubric, along with writing tips below the prompt.

European imperialists

Prompt: European imperialists believed they were superior to Africans. The “civilizing mission,” and the need for Christian proselytization, served as key justifications for colonial rule. However, European civilizing efforts and African reception of such efforts often looked quite different in practice than in theory. Answer the following two related questions in your paper, by drawing on Nancy Jacobs, Wole Soyinka, and the mini-lectures. 1) How did the actions of European colonialists contradict the ideas of the civilizing mission?

European imperialists

2) Even when Africans did convert to Christianity or accept certain European cultural practices, how did they also maintain their own belief systems and cultural norms at the same time? When you submit your paper, it will go through Turnitin – a citation verification service that helps educators and students ensure that content in written documents is cited properly. Papers submitted to Turnitin are compared against billions of Internet documents, archived Internet data that is no longer available on the live web, a local repository of previously submitted papers, and subscription repository of periodicals, journals, and publications.

European imperialists

Please be sure to write in your own words and to properly cite the ideas and language of others. Some notes on writing and the organization of your writing: Writing should be well-organized and clearly written. It never hurts to outline your thoughts before writing. This will help you write clearly and coherently. Your first paragraph must contain your thesis, and it must state your argument clearly. Provide clear and specific evidence to support your thesis. Cite that evidence parenthetically.

European imperialists

For example: The rise of the Sokoto Caliphate set off other jihadist movements in the region (Jacobs, 75). If you have the ebook, cite whatever page number / percentage you have. If you want to cite a class lecture, use the lecturer’s name and the date. For example: (Moskowitz, 9/14). Link your sentences together. Create continuity from one sentence to the next. Each sentence should be logically connected to the sentences around it. Do not clutter your sentences with unnecessary phrases. Sometimes less is more.

European imperialists

Use clear language. Think about the words you choose. Do they mean exactly what you are trying to communicate? Avoid writing in passive voice: For example: “Kenyans were ruled by British colonialists” is a passive sentence. An active (and better) sentence would be: “British colonialists ruled Kenyans.” Check that your verb tenses are correct. History occurs in the past, and thus, should often be written about in past tense. https://youtu.be/t_rHrGaoh4w

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Wireless Technologies for Surveillance. CIS5026 Best

This paper explores wireless Technologies for Surveillance. The body of your paper will be 5 to 10 pages long, not counting the Cover Page, Table of Contents (TOC), or the Reference page.

Wireless Technologies for Surveillance.

Paper instructions: Information Technology Applications in Decision Making CIS5026 – Research Paper Overview The purpose of this paper is to research an Information Technology or Information System topic. The body of your paper will be 5 to 10 pages long, not counting the Cover Page, Table of Contents (TOC), or the Reference page. The paper will be submitted in four parts as follows, which build upon one another. Topic – Due end of Week 1: Submit a Topic for instructor approval. Your submission should be in the form of a MS Word generated Cover Page with an abstract and an image representing your topic.

Wireless Technologies for Surveillance.

1. Cover Page generated by MS Word a. Title of Paper b. Your name c. Course # d. Course name e. Instructor’s name f. Date and graphic representing your Topic g. Abstract Outline – Due End of Week 4 Add the Outline as an MS Word generated TOC. This means that your outline should be made up of Word-generated Headings, which Word will use to create the TOC. Draft – Due End of Week 6 This is where you begin to add substance to your outline as well as in-text citations using the Reference feature of Word.

Wireless Technologies for Surveillance.

This submission should contain a minimum of six scholarly references (refereed Journals, Books, and Conference Papers) for your topic. This section includes a discussion of what the experts are saying about your topic. You must use the APA format for the Literature Review and Reference list. Final Paper – Due End of Week 8 (end of course) Your Final Paper is the accumulation of the previous installments. This is where you double-check Spelling, Grammar, and Content. Your Final Paper should have the following sections: • Cover Page • TOC (table of contents) • Abstract • Literature Review (this is the body of your paper).

Wireless Technologies for Surveillance.

• Conclusions • Reference List Your Final Paper must follow the following minimum format requirements for grading: • MS Word document (.doc, docx or .rtf). • Five to ten pages and long enough to explain the topic. (not counting Cover Page, TOC, and Reference page) • Double spaced. • 1″ margins • Body Font size: 12. • Body Font Type: Times New Roman • Heading Font Size: 14 • Heading Font Type: Times New Roman • Cover Page. • TOC. • Reference page. • In-text citations. • APA formatting. • Do not use pronouns (I, we, their, he, she, etc.). https://youtu.be/AFjPUrSEdi0

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Series of jet transports. 2022 Best

In this aviation assignment we will explore the history and development of a specific series of jet transports. For example, the B-737, the A380 or another aircraft that interests you.

Series of jet transports.

Paper details: RESEARCH PAPER: HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS You will submit a 1750-2000 word paper (not including the title or reference pages), in current APA format on the history and development of a specific series of jet transports. For example, the B-737, the A380 or another aircraft that interests you. Please look at it from inception to current iteration. At least 5 academic resources such as books, online resources, journals, and articles must be used.

Series of jet transports.

Please see the rubric for this assignment for specific grading policies and procedures. The paper must adhere to current APA formatting and include a title page and reference page (none of which are included in the page/ word count). A minimum of 5 sources must be used. Do not use Wiki sites. The goal is to maximize using academic, scholarly resources. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. https://youtu.be/vzEThsITa8o

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