Tag Archives: planning

Potential natural or man-made disaster 2023 Best

This assignment involves identifying a potential natural or man-made disaster that could happen in your community. Then, write a 3- to 4-page paper about the disaster from the community nurse’s perspective.

Potential natural or man-made disaster

Assignment: Disaster Planning for Public Health. Select a potential natural or man-made disaster that could happen in your community. Then, write a 3- to 4-page paper about the disaster from the community nurse’s perspective. Section 1: The Disaster, Man-Made or Natural What disasters may strike your community and why? For example, do you live in “Tornado Alley,” or has climate change resulted in unusual cold weather snaps or blizzards in your community? Are you located in a flood plain? Include possible diseases that may result from a natural disaster, such as tetanus or cholera.

Potential natural or man-made disaster

Section 2: The Nursing Response Formulate responses to the disaster, considering systems and community levels of intervention. Review websites where a disaster plan may be available for the public, or if one is not currently available, call public health department to see if a disaster plan exists for your community and what the plan contains. In addition to reviewing websites for information about your local disaster plan, you will need to locate best practice/evidence-based practice guidelines in professional literature to determine whether your community’s disaster plan is as sound as it might be or if there is room for improvement. https://youtu.be/TQifyX8eYBE

Section 3: Is My Community Prepared for a Disaster? What conclusions can you draw about your community’s preparedness plan from having completed this evaluation?


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The Future of Human Resource 2023 Best

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 10: The Future of Human Resource Management from the textbook, and the report Future Insights: Top Trends Affecting the Workplace and the HR Profession According to SHRM Special Expertise Panels Links to an external site..

The Future of Human Resource

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read Chapter 10: The Future of Human Resource Management from the textbook, and the report Future Insights: Top Trends Affecting the Workplace and the HR Profession According to SHRM Special Expertise Panels Links to an external site.. You may want to review Chapters 1 through 9 from the textbook. The primary function of HRM is to increase the effectiveness and contribution of employees attaining organizational goals and objectives. Consider all the areas of HRM that have been discussed in this course: performance management human resources planning, recruitment, and selection human resources development compensation and benefits employment and labor laws and regulations.

The Future of Human Resource

In your paper, Summarize each HRM area listed above providing a high-level overview. Discuss HR functions within a performance management system that contribute to effective training and development. Explain how an effective performance management system, along with compensation and benefits, can attract, develop, and retain talented employees. Analyze employment and labor laws and regulations that impact these areas of HRM listed above and the relationships between employees and employers. Describe how the functions of HRM work together in order to optimize organizational and employee behavior.

The Future of Human Resource

For additional support with completing your final paper, please refer to the following tools: Finding HR Journals in the UAGC Library Links to an external site.. This tip sheet may support you in researching through the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. What is CRAAPO? Links to an external site.This may assist you in determining the reliability of an HR website. Scholarly and Popular Resources(1) Links to an external site.. This tutorial explains the differences between scholarly and popular resources. Human Resources Research with Library OneSearch Links to an external site..

The Future of Human Resource

This tip sheet may support you in researching through the University of Arizona Global Campus Library. The Functions of HRM final paper Must be seven to eight double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style Links to an external site.as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word Links to an external site.resource. Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper in bold font Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page. Student’s name Name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)

The Future of Human Resource

Course name and number Instructor’s name Due date Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice Links to an external site.resource for additional guidance. Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper. For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions Links to an external site.and Writing a Thesis Statement Links to an external site., refer to the Writing Center resources. Must use at least five scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible sources in addition to the course text.

The Future of Human Resource

The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources Links to an external site.table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source. To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view Quick and Easy Library Research Links to an external site.tutorial, which introduces the University of Arizona Global Campus Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.

The Future of Human Resource

Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper Links to an external site.guide. Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List Links to an external site.resource in the Writing Center for specifications. Carefully review the Grading Rubric Links to an external site.for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.https://youtu.be/fjCPWyiDoXU

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Common workplace issues 2023 Best

For this assignment we will discuss common workplace issues and create plans to resolve them. Workplace Issues [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] Your center and classroom are faced with many different workplace issues. While your director is working as quickly as she can, she can’t handle all of her responsibilities without your lead teacher.

Common workplace issues

Workplace Issues [WLO: 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4] Your center and classroom are faced with many different workplace issues. While your director is working as quickly as she can, she can’t handle all of her responsibilities without your lead teacher. To demonstrate that you can handle helping, your director has asked you to take on some of the common workplace issues and create plans to resolve them. Your solutions will help her determine whether or not you are ready to solve problems within your own facility. Choose three of the four following issues and create proposals to resolve the issue.

Common workplace issues

Be sure to utilize your textbook and answer all of the questions within the scenarios. Scenario #1: Funding Although you work in a private facility and your parents pay for their child’s care and learning, there are never enough funds to purchase materials you need to complete special projects. You have been supplementing your classroom by purchasing these items yourself because you want your students to have these special experiences, however, this is beginning to be a financial drain. This year, you still have five more special experiences that you were planning, but sadly, you can no longer afford to pay for these purchases.

Common workplace issues

What do you do going forward? Scenario #2: Safety You work for a Head Start facility and therefore you receive government funds to assist with the upkeep of your facility. However, you notice that the side door is not shutting and locking correctly. The only way this door can be shut is with someone on each side of the door with a key. The front is always monitored by your director or a part-time receptionist and the back door leads to the secure playground. https://youtu.be/ShVN6EiGVxY

In light of the recent school tragedies, you are nervous about the door not locking and believe this is a safety issue. You ask your director if this can be fixed and she tells you that the facility does not have the money right now to do this.

Common workplace issues

How can you problem solve this situation? Scenario #3: New Community Center There is a new community center down the street and they are very interested in working with your facility. They have a fabulous idea of creating a partnership with the seniors that utilize their center, however, they are not sure the best way to integrate these volunteers. In efforts to collaborate, they have asked you to create a class that will meet once a week.

You are thrilled that you have volunteers that want to work with your little ones, however there is a lot that needs to be done before the class can begin. Choose the age-level classroom that is ideal for you:

Common workplace issues

Infancy: Birth – 12 months Toddlers: 1-3 years Early Learning: 4 – 5 years Design a concept that can be done on a weekly basis with your children and the seniors from the community center. Explain all that needs to be done before the interaction begins. Scenario #4: Children with special needs You have a new student in your facility who is on the autism spectrum. You have never worked with a child with this disorder and you are not sure how to handle this behavior as compared to the other children in your classroom. Explain how you should go about determining the best way to deal with this child in your classroom.

Common workplace issues

Explain all possible options and resources so that this child and the rest of your class has the best possible educational experience. In your paper, Include an introduction and a conclusion. Summarize the three scenarios you will discuss. Explain, in detail, why the scenarios you have chosen are problematic. Prepare three plans that you believe would solve the three issues you have chosen. Complete the unique, individual questions related to each scenario.

The Workplace Issues Paper Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references page) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word resource.

Common workplace issues

Must include a separate title page with the following: Title of paper in bold font Space should appear between the title and the rest of the information on the title page. Student’s name Name of institution (University of Arizona Global Campus) Course name and number Instructor’s name Due date Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice resource for additional guidance. Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Common workplace issues

For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions as well as Writing a Thesis Statement, refer to the Writing Center resources. Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor.  Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.

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Five Management Function 2022 Best

This assignment entails identifying a company that has experienced a crisis, explain how this company has utilized the five management functions (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling) throughout this crisis.

Five Management Function

Paper instructions: Instructions: Select a company that has experienced a crisis. Using the APA format, write a 6-8 page paper including the sections noted below. SECTION 1 – INTRODUCTION · Provide an overview of the organization outlining their history, mission & vision statements and what products or services are offered. SECTION 2 – THE CRISIS · Explain the Crisis the company has experienced · Complete a SWOT Analysis of the company SECTION 3 – MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES · Explain how this company has utilized the five management functions (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling) throughout this crisis.

Five Management Function

Social Responsibilities of the organization to all stakeholders (employees, customers, shareholders, government, etc.) SECTION 4 – CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONS · Make three (3) recommendations for improving/resolving the issue within the organization. Your recommendations should include organizational behavior concepts that would help the organization resolve the issue you have identified. https://youtu.be/_NV7y6E4Ibk

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Facilitating Learning. 2022 Best

For today’s assignment we will focus on facilitating Learning. Chapter four of the International Association of Facilitators text describes the eight Ps of facilitation planning.

Facilitating Learning.

Chapter four of the International Association of Facilitators text describes the eight Ps of facilitation planning. Choose a real organization or setting where your skills as a facilitator could be of some benefit. Describe how you would prepare using each of the 8 Ps to guide your efforts in the facilitation. You will need to briefly describe the organization for the benefit of your reader. Because some of you will be using this paper for your Electronic Writing Portfolio, do not write in the first person.

Facilitating Learning.

Rather than writing, “I would adjust the room seating to accommodate 4 small groups.” Write, “The facilitator should adjust the room seating.” Also, include a citation for the book chapter and any other sources you rely on. Your submission should be between three to four pages, double spaced. Format your paper and include a cover page and references page consistent with APA style. This paper earns up to 50 points. Please see attached scanned doc of 8 p’s in text book. https://youtu.be/iAuWKAHmHqU

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The current global pandemic 2022 Best

The current global pandemic has been described as one of the biggest challenges since World War II. For this assignment, we will explore a topic related to the impact of the global pandemic upon managers, organizations, and businesses.

The current global pandemic

The current global pandemic has been described as one of the biggest challenges since World War II. So, for your first current event assignment, I ask that you do the following: – Go to the Society for Human Resource Management website at www.shrm.org. It is a great resource for many articles related to current challenges facing managers and organizations. However, some of the material is password protected for members only. – For this assignment, please select a topic related to the impact of the global pandemic upon managers, organizations, and businesses. – Select an article of your choice and write at least 475 words, double spaced. Discuss at least three (3) key points/findings. Make sure to include the title of the article that you select.

The current global pandemic

Ensure this assignment have an opening and closing. – For this assignment, the article that you select should not be older than 1 year. – Relate the four functions of management, including planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. – Identify the factors of the global business environment. This assignment relates to Chapters 1 and 2 of your text. Course Outcomes: The emphasis of this course is on management principles and the role of the business manager operating in a dynamic business environment. The four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are woven throughout your text. https://youtu.be/yEIPefMsf70

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