Tag Archives: political concept.

Modern Markets 2022 Best

This paper explore modern markets: How malls are not only shopping centers, but social hubs, eateries, and entertainment centers. The final draft will be approximately 15 pages in length,

Modern Markets

Paper details: The central assignment of Senior Seminar is an extended, independent research project. You will produce an original, high-quality research paper on a subject that fascinates and intrigues you, and you will share your research with your classmates in a presentation. You can select any topic related to modernity and/or life in today’s world for this project. As with any research project, however, your work should begin with a clear and focused question, problem, or observation.

Modern Markets

You should also ensure your work is led by a central argument made in dialogue with scholarly literature you have sourced; your paper should not merely be a descriptive essay “about” a topic. Integrate course ideas and readings within your paper and presentation to demonstrate your understanding of modernity as a theoretical, historical, and political concept. Paper • The final draft should be approximately 15 pages in length, excluding footnotes, endnotes, and bibliography. • You should find and use at least 10 academic sources in the paper, excluding readings from the syllabus.

Modern Markets

Format your work carefully. In particular, all references and quotations should be cited within the essay using a standard referencing style, such as MLA, APA, or Chicago, and a bibliography should list all sources you have used in the paper. Consult an expert if you are unsure how to cite sources correctly. • The paper will be designed, developed, and drafted in stages under supervision. Class activities and pre-draft writing assignments will help you. Manage your time carefully during the semester and seek advice and feedback regularly. Please use sources provided and add more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=li1i9b0vUPs please check out the work of Mona Abaza on malls in Egypt. https://youtu.be/kttQUSF7Fe0

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