Tag Archives: Smallpox

Immunization of Childhood diseases 2023 Best

This paper explores historical significance related to vaccination and immunization of Childhood diseases through the years. How vaccines were first developed. The importance of childhood vaccination. Why some parents are afraid or don’t believe in vaccinations

Immunization of Childhood diseases

Write an APA formatted, credibly sourced (see credible source descriptions below) 10-14 page paper. Summarize the following: Relevant content: Historical significance related to vaccination and immunization of Childhood diseases through the years. Write one paragraph for each of the following: Smallpox, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Measles, Mumps,  Rubella, Polio (IPV) Hib Hepatitis B Varicella Hepatitis A Pneumococcal Influenza Rotavirus When are vaccines contraindicated? How vaccines were first developed. The importance of childhood vaccination Why some parents are afraid or don’t believe in vaccinations. How can we educate parents regarding the importance of vaccines?

Immunization of Childhood diseases

Vaccination schedule up to 18 years Which childhood illnesses/conditions might be temporarily exempt from vaccinations and why? Proper formatting: 3–4 credible sources Materials published within the last ten years Research articles written by respected and well-known authors Websites registered by government and educational institutions (.gov, .edu, .ac) Academic databases (i.e., Academic Search Premier or JSTOR). To find the Madonna University Nursing Databases: Go to Madonna University Library Nursing Databases. Links to an external site. Select By Subject. Select Nursing.

Immunization of Childhood diseases

Materials from Google Scholar Sources to be avoided: Out-of-date materials (published over ten years ago) Posts from social networks (i.e., Facebook) Blogs Research articles without citations Websites ending in .com, .org, .net etc. Use the 7th edition APA format Title page Introduction Conclusion Proper headings and subheadings Reference page APA Instructional AidsLinks to an external site. Correct grammar with clear, organized writing Submit your completed paper to this assignment page. https://youtu.be/aGuSHFYgdQE

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