Tag Archives: U.S. Census

Social class influence divorce rates 2022 Best

This paper explores how race, gender or social class influence divorce rates or rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) for disadvantaged populations. We will identify demographic trends that reflect inequality or disadvantage in education, religion or family.

Social class influence divorce rates

How does race, gender or social class influence divorce rates or rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) for disadvantaged populations? For this discussion assignment, identify demographic trends that reflect inequality or disadvantage in education, religion or family. Using GALILEO, search for academic, credible sources ( e.g., U.S. Census, American Community Survey, Uniform Crime Report, National Center for Educational Statistics) that include statistical data to support structural inequalities and provide examples of social policies for social change or corrective action.

Social class influence divorce rates

Check websites of government agencies and community organizations. Using the statistical data, interpret the impact of demographic trends on disadvantaged populations and reflect on the social institutions of education, religion or family. Choose only ONE of the social institutions below (education, religion or family) and answer the following discussion prompts in 250-500 words. https://youtu.be/R9HlIrGpr6Q

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