Tag Archives: Urban Atmospheres

How places are produced 2022 Best

For this assignment we will review three models about how places are produced drawing as much as possible on a core text for each model. Examples of models: mobility and walking in the city; sound cultures; rhythms; habitus; artistic practices; networks.

How places are produced

How do people produce place? Review three models about how places are produced drawing as much as possible on a core text for each model. Examples of models: mobility and walking in the city; sound cultures; rhythms; habitus; artistic practices; networks. Examples of core texts: Certeau(walking the city or making do), Cresswell (Place), Lynch (image of the city), Lefebvre( Rhythmanalysis) , Bourdieu( Outline of a Theory of Practice -“Structures, habitus and practices” 78-95 “Doxa, orthodoxy, heterodoxy”159-171).

How places are produced

Amin and Thrift (The Machinic City,” from Cities: Reimagining the Urban and Driving in the City from Automobilities) Böhme (Urban Atmospheres). For each of those three models, use at least two specific examples from other readings to illustrate, support, and/or critique each model. This means that you would draw on at least nine texts in total. Conclude with an evaluation of which of the models you find most illuminating and why. https://youtu.be/y71dW-6J88A

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