Tag Archives: virtue ethics

Smart Homes and Devices in Healthcare. 2023 Best

The Ethics of Smart Homes and Devices in Healthcare. Building on the research you conducted for the annotated bibliography, write a paper of 1000 to 1200 words discussing the ethical issues related to your selected technology that are occurring now or will likely occur in the future.

Smart Homes and Devices in Healthcare.

The Ethics of Smart Homes and Devices in Healthcare. Building on the research you conducted for the annotated bibliography, write a paper of 1000 to 1200 words discussing the ethical issues related to your selected technology that are occurring now or will likely occur in the future. Make sure to include relevant findings from the scholarly sources you used in Part 2 and any other sources you wish to use. You must use at least four relevant sources to support your paper.

Consider how the legal issues (freedom of expression, copyright, right to privacy, etc.) we have been discussing relate to your selected technology. Using one or more of the ethical frameworks (utilitarianism, deontology, virtue ethics, social justice and social contract theory), propose a policy for addressing the ethical issues related to the new or emerging technology. Cite your sources using either MLA or APA format. https://youtu.be/12BiFNIVs6I

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Course of action in a business scenario. 2022 Best

For this assignment we will discuss the best course of action in a business scenario. Leadership paper: Introduction: You are a trader who joined a large investment bank two years ago. Pat, one of your fellow traders, is well known on the Street for being a big risk taker and a big money maker for the firm.

Course of action in a business scenario.

Leadership paper: Introduction: You are a trader who joined a large investment bank two years ago. Pat, one of your fellow traders, is well known on the Street for being a big risk taker and a big money maker for the firm. Consequently, he is popular among your firm’s senior management. You see him at a party one night and notice him surreptitiously using cocaine several times. A few weeks later in the office, you notice that he seems exceptionally high-spirited and that his pupils are extremely dilated — you know that both are signs of drug use.

Course of action in a business scenario.

You have already voiced your concerns to Bob, his managing director, and you are thinking of mentioning your latest observations to Bob, when Pat makes a particularly impressive killing in the market for your firm’s own account. Bob jokes that he does not know how Pat does it, but he does not care. ‘‘However, he is pulling this off, it’s great for the firm.” You feel strongly that this is a problem and that it places your firm at risk. It is obvious to you that Bob will not do anything about this problem. Do you raise it further?

Course of action in a business scenario.

How can you voice your values in this case? Submit a 2 – 3-page paper addressing some or all of the following: 1. Identify the ethical issue(s) in this scenario and the stakeholders involved. 2.Describe your possible courses of actions and the consequences of each one – and how does your Cognitive Moral Development influence these courses of action? 3. Describe how these actions would be influenced by looking through various theoretical lenses (consequentialist, deontological, virtue ethics); and 4 Explain how you personally would handle the situation and explain why. https://youtu.be/as9D23Dnw4I

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